Chapter 9

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After a minute, the same voice from before came along.

"Alpha sir, dinner is ready."

"Okay I'm coming." Max said annoyed.

"Why are you so annoyed?" I questioned.

"To be honest, I kinda just wanna spend time with you." He said looking to the side.

I blushed at that. "Oh." Is all I replied with.

I suddenly felt a weird sensation run through me, and when it was over my outfit had changed.

It was a cute short day dress that had a bow in the back and a sweetheart neckline (Pic on top). Also, on my head was another flower crown, this time instead of white roses, they were white daisies.

"You look beautiful." Max said astounded by the transformation.

"Thanks." I blushed and looked down.

"Don't look down." He said lifting my chin up with his index finger. "I don't ever want to not see your beautiful face." He said his eyes filling with so many emotions. "Now why don't we head down and meet the pack?" He said with a half smile.

"Okay." I said nervously.

"Don't be nervous." He said grabbing my hand, and we walked out of his room and into a huge hallway that was lit with a chandelier and there were paintings lining the walls.

We walked in comfortable silence, and as we headed closer, Max wrapped his arm around my waist.

We walked through halls, made another turn, and we soon stopped in front of a set of huge doors.

"This is the banquet hall where we hold our Friday dinners. Are you ready?" I wasn't but I just nodded.

He pushed one of the doors open and I immediately saw the pack goofing around laughing and talking, but once when they noticed us, everyone silenced. You could hear a pin drop.

I glanced around the room and saw almost more than 700 people in here. That's 7x bigger than my old pack.

After a few seconds, everyone bowed on our behalf. I've never had this much respect shown to me ever, and I've never had this much attention on me before. Well maybe it's because of the big alpha next to me, but that's besides the point.

"Good evening everyone. I want you to meet my mate, Charity." Max said with his alpha facade.

Almost everyone gave me an odd look.

"Alpha, why is she so innocent looking?" A guy who looked to be around my age said.

"Alpha, why does she have a weak name?" Another guy said.

Soon more and more people pitched in to the snide questions and remarks.

"Enough!!!" Max yelled with such force it was like a cannon exploding. Even I flinched. Well that doesn't surprise me. "This is my mate and your new Luna! Show her some respect!" Soon every head was held down in shame, and I looked over at Max and he gave me a reassuring smile.

'You okay?' he mouthed. I nodded my head and he then grabbed my hand and brought us over to sit down. He led us to a table in the front of the room that sat six people. At the table there was four people already sitting down.

"Hello Alpha." They all acknowledged. "Hello Luna." They also acknowledged which surprised me.

Max sat at the head of the table and had me sit to the right of him. I was across the table from a guy with blonde hair and was sitting next to a girl who had dark skin and black stick straight hair.

"Charity, this is Luke my head warrior and third in command," he said pointing to the guy in front of me. "This is his mate Trisha," he said pointing to the girl next to Luke , she had fiery red hair and she looked stubborn, "this is my Beta, Kris," he said pointing to the guy at the other end of the table, he had brown shaggy hair and looked focused and stern, "and finally this is his mate Sofia." He said pointing to the girl next to me. She was the only one at the whole table who gave me a small smile.

"Nice to meet you Luna." Sophia said with a smile.

"Nice to meet you too Sophia." I smiled back. "Nice to meet you all." I added looking at everyone.

I only got grunts in response which I frowned at. I guess Max noticed because he slammed his fist on the table.

Everyone looked up at him highly alert.

"Show my mate some respect. She says she is happy to meet you and all you can do us grunt?" He said angrily.

I grabbed his hand to calm him down. Yeah they weren't being nice, but I didn't like when Max was angry.

Soon instead of grunt responses, everyone except Sofia who had been kind, apologized.

"Thank you." I smiled awkwardly.

"So... What pack were you originally from Luna?" Luke said trying to strike up a conversation.

"Fire Red." I shivered at the memories of it.

"Oh nice they are 2nd best next to us." Beta Kris piped in.

"Yeah..." I said forcing a smile.

"So Luna, when did you get here?" Sofia asked curiously. I think Sofia could sense my uncomfortableness about my old pack.

"Today actually." I smiled.

"Oh well I'd be happy to show you around Luna. If that's alright with you Alpha?" She looked at Max for approval.

"That'd be a great idea Sofia." Max smiled. "Why not tomorrow during my meeting? It's from 10:00 to 12:00?" Max said.

"That'd  be great. Would you like to Luna?" Sofia said turning to look at me.

"I'd love to thank you." I smiled big.

It felt nice having someone who was nice too. I've never talked with anyone like this before.

"No problem Luna. Why don't we meet here at 10:00?" She said questioning.

"Sounds great." I smiled.

Soon dinner was over and Max grabbed my hand and we walked back to our room. I can't believe it was our room. I can't believe that my Mate actually accepted me.

Max handed me one if his t-shirts and he stripped out of all his clothes except his boxers. I looked at his amazing abs and blushed looking away.

"You like what you see Baby Girl?" I could practically hear him smirking.

All I did was nod my head shyly.

"I'm glad I satisfy." He joked.

He then hopped into bed and wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his head in my neck and sniffed it and sighed.

"You smell of roses and sweet candy." He said sighing as he took another whiff. I blushed again. He then kissed the mark he had given me earlier and I started to doze off but not before I heard him say three lovely words in my ear.

"I love you."

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