20. I Miss Him..This Isn't Good

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Bella's POV

"BELLA HELP ME! I MISS MY MAN SOO MUCH!" Brielle bursted into my dorm screaming.

"I know I miss mine, too" I mumbled back while trying to focus on my notes.

I've been sitting in my room for the past 2 days studying. I've only left my comfy bed for class and food. When I did leave my room, I was in Tyler's sweatshirt or sweatpants. Everything smells like him, which is really comforting.

I miss him so much it's ridiculous. They have been gone for 3 days and Brielle and I are lost. The first day we figured we could keep ourselves occupied without them. Unfortunately, it only took us 6 hours to realized that our boyfriends have become our worlds. I'm really not sure if it's even healthy to want them with us every second.

Call me crazy, but I am so worried about Ty. I don't want him to get hurt again. So far, they only played one game on the trip and I cringed every time somebody skated by him.

"Do you think it's unhealthy that we miss them so much?" I asked Brielle who was sitting on Jess' bed while texting.

"Umm nah. It would be unhealthy if we didn't miss them. I mean, we spent pretty much every day with them for a month. Now we haven't seen them for 3 days."

"I guess you're right. Tyler said they will FaceTime us from the hotel, after the game"


An hour later, there was a knock on the door. It was our sushi delivery. We were both feeling lazy and didn't want to miss the start of the game, so we stayed in.

Of course our dinner conversation was going to be about our relationships. Brielle always needs ALL the info.

"Soooo, you and Tyler were in the house for the past month. How was it?" Brielle started to question me.

"Umm, well, sometimes we were watching TV and video games. But, we basically cuddled and talked for hours everyday." I can feel the butterflies filling my stomach. The last month was amazing with Tyler. All I want is him to be here right now. I can practically feel his arms around my waist and his legs intertwined with mine. I can almost hear him breathing next to me.

"That's it?" I don't really know what Brielle wants me to say.

"What do you mean? I don't really want to sit here and tell you how much I miss him."

"I mean like how was 'IT'?" I finally realized what Brielle was asking me.

"Bri! We did not have sex!" And it was the truth.

"No way. That's impossible. You guys were in the house for weeks" Brielle insisted.

"Sorry to disappoint. It has only been a month. I was with Michael for a few years and we never did IT!"

"I still can't believe you and Mike never did" she's still going on about this.

"Ugh Brielle. I was never ready and when I was, it was to late."

Brielle stopped asking after that. But, now I was curious about her and Jamie. If she really thought Tyler and I had sex, then her a Jamie probably did.

"So, are you going to tell me how it went with you and Jamie?" I watched Brielle turn beat red.

"We haven't done anything either."

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