29. Vulnerable

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Bella's POV

I woke up to Tyler kissing my face over and over. I laughed and wrapped my arms around the back of his neck.

"I'm so thankful to have such an amazing, beautiful women to call my girlfriend. I love you so much" Tyler's voice was muffled into my neck. I jumped up remembering it was thanksgiving.

"Oh my god. That reminds me, I have to help your mom make dinner!" I yelled trying to get out of Tyler's hold.

"Wow thanks...I really feel appreciated" Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Oh Tyler! I love you so much." I kissed him on the lips and he wouldn't let me pull away. He pulled me into him as I straddled his waist. I could see where this was going, but I really didn't have time.

"Ty, I have so much to do" I said as he continued to kiss my collarbone.

"And I'm at the top of the to do list" he grunted. I laughed because a response like that caught me off guard.

"Well then, let me show you how much I appreciate you in the shower." I couldn't say no to him at this point. He was too excited and I kind of wanted it too.

We stepped out of the bathroom in Tyler's childhood bedroom and I finally realized where we were.

"Tylerrr! We just had sex in your parents house. They probably heard us!" I totally forgot that we were in Brampton, not Tyler's bathroom.

"We had the bathroom and bedroom door closed. Trust me, nobody heard how much you loved it." he smirked at me.

That smirk melts me every time. It's not fair that he could easily drive me insane. He know what he does to me and continues to do it...probably because I won't do anything about it.

We got dressed and walked out of his bedroom to help his mom in the kitchen. Candace was walking by as Tyler opened the door.

"Well didn't you guys sound really thankful for each other this morning!" She rolled her eyes.

I slapped Tyler's chest as he let out a loud laugh. "Sorry Candace", I apologized feeling pretty embarrassed that my boyfriend's little sister heard us having sex. She chuckled and spoke, "Don't worry about it. I expected nothing less from Tyler."

I don't know what that was supposed to mean, but I brushed it off and continued into the kitchen. My heart melted again when Cassidy ran up to Tyler and gave him a good morning hug. He kissed her head and wished her a happy thanksgiving. Their relationship was so adorable.

I decided on helping Jackie cook for a while. Tyler went to go watch the parade in the living room.

"Tyler is never this awake in the morning." Jackie spoke.

"Maybe because he showered." I tried to come up with an excuse, but I know she's not stupid.

"Or maybe because you showered with him", she chuckled

I was speechless. This was so embarrassing. All I could think about was killing Tyler.

"Don't worry about it. He loves you so much. I'd be stupid to think that doesn't go on between you two." She was serious.

"Um yea I guess", were the only words I could get out.

Thank god Cassidy came in asking for breakfast. At this point, everything was put together and all we had to do was wait for it to cook. I went in the living room to cuddle with Tyler. He looked so comfy on the couch. I sat between his open legs and laid the back of my head on the his chest. I felt his arms wrap tightly around me as I watched the tv with him.

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