23. She's Approved

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Tyler's POV

"Wake up Bella. Our flight is in a few hours" I tried to wake her, but she didn't even budge. "Baby we have to go soon" I kissed her cheek and shook her.

"Give me 5 minutes." she whined, but it was muffled by the blankets.

"Okay, only because I'm all ready. Everything is in the car and I'm dressed." I guess all she really had to do was just wash up and throw on clothes.

I decided to lay down with her for a few more minutes.


We were sitting by the gate to our plane as I watched Bella look at the airport. She kept looking at Dunkin' Donuts. I realized we didn't even eat breakfast.

"Do you want to get food? We didn't eat" I asked Bella

"I'm kind of hungry, but we have to board in 2 minutes" she groaned

"What do you want? I'll run to Dunkin' now."

I got back to Bella just in time to board the plane. I handed her her iced coffee and bagel before I picked up the luggages.

We took our seats and were in the air in no time. Bella leaned into my side and closed her eyes, meanwhile I put my headphones in and leaned my head on hers.

About an hour into the flight I watched Bella stare out the window. Something was definitely bothering her. I wasn't sure what it was. She hasn't been herself the last week and I'm becoming concerned. I looked down at our hands that were interlocked.

Her hands were so tiny compared to mine. I do have big hands, but her were also small. I found some type of comfort while looking at our tangled fingers.

It was bugging be that something was on her mind, but she hasn't said anything.

"Bells, what are you thinking about?" I questioned


Bella's POV

"Bells, what are you thinking about?" Tyler broke my thoughts.

"Um not much. I'm just tired." He didn't really need to know. Tyler wasn't convinced, but I guess it was enough for now.

I'm really scared to meet his family. I know he's a Momma's Boy and very close to his dad. I also know that his sisters are protective of him, especially Candace. I'm a little intimidated and worried they won't like me. Tyler's family is very important to him. If they don't like me, we are pretty much done.

Another major problem here is my family. I'm not sure if Tyler should meet Brook and Mike yet. He actually should, but I don't know if I'm ready for that. Nico texted me before I got on the plan and said that he would really like to meet Tyler. They would get along really well and I'm sure my parents will love him.

"Sooo, are you guna tell me orrrr..."
Tyler is still expecting an answer.

"They aren't going to like me Tyler. I don't want them to feel like I'm with you for the money and fame. The fans already think that. I'm sure your family reads those comments. And-" I began to rant.

"First of all, calm down. Second, they don't listen to the media. They've already not to listen to them. Third, there is nothing to dislike about you. You are beautiful, smart, funny and perfect. I could go on and on. But, that's not even what matters. All they care about is that you make me happy...and thats obvious. They already like you." He was being totally serious.

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