Chapter 1: New Room

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Hiya everybody yes it's finally here, situation chapter 1 (originally from enjoy my prettys 


I walked to Komui's office with Timcampy flying around beside me, after dinner, he had called over the intercom for Kanda and me to come for a meeting so I begrudgingly trudged on. Probably another mission, why does he always put me with this jerk? I grumble to Tim about how both Lenalee and Lavi were here and available but, unfortunately, no matter how much I complain I am stuck with the bluenette. I push open the office door and see Kanda is already there with the ever-so-sour look plastered to his face that he never seems to get rid of. I sit on the couch and try to put as much distance between us as possible.

"Well then," the deranged scientist begins, "I guess you're wondering why you're here." Silence fills the air, but he continued unfazed earning nothing but glares from the samurai. "First off this isn't a mission." We sucked in a breath in unison of relief, it was clear neither of us was looking forward to spending time with the other. Though he had no right to be as angry and hateful as he was towards me, it never failed whenever we were sent on missions he was cold and cruel. I couldn't shake the impending sense of doom that filled the room and I prayed that the scientist wasn't about to sentence me to death, "Reever and I are conducting some new research on if putting problem exorcists together will help performance and you two will-" He didn't even get a chance to finish before Kanda was up on his feet drawing Mugen, pointing the blade to Komui's throat. "Like hell, I'm sharing a room with that moyashi." The venom in his voice dripped. "You have no choice in the matter." Komui grinned putting his hands in the air jingling two sets of keys, I didn't even need to check my pockets to understand that he had both sets of our keys. "My precious Lenalee is an excellent key thief. Wouldn't you agree?" I was thoroughly amazed at this point that Kanda hadn't skewered Komui yet in a fit of rage, I was betting ten more words would be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Komui then reached into his back pocket and pulled out two new sets of keys and tossed one to each of us. "These are your new room keys, all of your things have already been taken there. You boys are dismissed, try not to kill each other." As he was resuming his position behind his desk Kanda yelled "Why the HELL would we submit to this?" I shook my head and stood, grabbing the still-screaming samurai's hood, and yanked him out of the office, slamming the door behind me. He rounds on me with his still-drawn sword but at this point, I've blocked it with my activated arm. He stares at me with his dark eyes blazing, "are you happy about this!?" Staring at him in disbelief, I shake my head " no, heck no, but it looks like we have no other choice so just come on."

Kanda sheaths Mugen and walks in the opposite direction of our room, I stare at him as he walks away, his long beautiful hair trailing behind him and his muscular shoulders tensed up. He may think this is the end of the world, but this is much much harder for me. I sullenly walk to room 149, a room on the top floor, and by the time I reach the door a light coat of sweat covers my body. Damn me for wanting to get some exercise in. I should've just taken the elevator. Unlocking the door, I open it to a quite spacious room. I walk in and close the door behind me, surveying the area, mine and Kanda's things had already been brought up and were placed in two neat suitcases next to the door. Along the right wall was a set of bunk beds, covered by deep purple comforters with two separate nightstands on opposite sides of the bed. From there, the far wall had a sliding glass door leading out to a small balcony that housed two plastic chairs. Finally, looking at the left wall, was the door to the bathroom and a small dresser on either side.

I was amazed by the room, it was really nice, a whole lot nicer than the single rooms we were provided. But I would be sharing it with Kanda...

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