Chapter 51: Girls Night Part 1

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        "Let's see, I got my toothbrush, change of clothes, sleeping bag, iPod for music, Kanda...wait, Kanda?!" I ask as I stare at my boyfriend snooping through my bag.

"Where are you going?" he asked, attempting to turn on my music device. Snatching it away and putting back in my bag, I answer, "I'm spending the night at Lenalee's with Foxy and Fou."

Lying back on the bed, the bluenette closes his eyes and mutters, "Why?"

"I'm social and I actually have friends. Why don't you ever spend the night with Marie?"

"You really think I go to sleepovers?"

"Why not?"

"It's girly, and I don't like being with other humans. Besides, he's got Miranda with him half the time."

"They're dating now?" I ask, surprised, and I zip up my suitcase. Nodding, he asks, "Are you really that surprised?"

"I guess not, but Lenalee, Foxy, and I all are taking time away from our boyfriends to have a girls' night."

"When did Foxy get a boyfriend?"

"I don't know when or who it is, but I know he's in the Science Division,"

Grunting in reply, he says nothing more, but it's obvious he's displeased with my leaving. It was close to six, and if I didn't leave now, I was going to be late, so after swinging my bag over my shoulder, I lean down and give Kanda a quick kiss on the lips. As I close the door, I inform, "I'll meet you at lunch tomorrow. Don't miss me too much, 'kay?"

"Whatever," he grumbles.


"Finally!" Foxy exclaims as she opens the door, green eyes sparkling with excitement. "We've been waiting for you for, like, forever!"

"Well, I'm here now. Kanda wasn't very happy about it, though," I laugh, setting my bag down next to a black one that I assume is Fou's and a pink and purple tiger striped one that had to be Foxy's. There were three sleeping bags in the floor, making what looked like a clover, and I quickly take out mine and spread it out in the empty space, unzipping it so I could spread out. Smiling, Lenalee says, "Yeah, Lavi wasn't happy about it either, but then he asked if I could get a picture of Fou and Foxy making-out."

"Gross!" the mentioned girls exclaim in unison, glancing at each other. Foxy adds, "I may be bi, but that doesn't mean I want to make-out with everyone I see!"

"Exactly, but I wouldn't have thought you liked girls, too," I say, propping myself up on crossed arms and kicking my legs in the air behind me.

"Yep, but I don't like you guys like that," the ravenette explained, glancing at Lenalee and Fou, and they nod. After a moment, Lenalee looked at Foxy to her right, "I wanted to wait until Allen got here to ask, but now I want to know: who are you dating?"

Foxy blushes, "A little cutie in the Science Division named Johnny."

"Johnny?!" the three of us shout, eyes widen and voices full of astonishment. Nodding, she rolls her eyes, "Yes, Johnny with the glasses. He has kissing disabilities, but he's learning, and he's so sweet. Yesterday, he made tin foil roses for me since he couldn't get real ones."

Lenalee, Fou, and I were obviously having problems processing this new information, considering that we were gaping at Foxy as we thought about the nerd and the former toy store owner dating. Nope, still can't get an image of it.

"So, Fou, who are you crushing on? Anyone we know?" Lenalee asked the humanoid to her left.

"Well, I think that...cute," she answers with her head down, her words too soft to hear. Prodding her shoulder, I ask, "Who?"

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