Chapter 10: Shopping and the Chaos of a Journal

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          I'm awoken by arms crushing my waist. Eyes flashing open, I pull the suffocating things off me. The owner of the arms was fast asleep beside me, his hair fanned out around him. I smile. On rare occasion do I ever have the pleasure to watch my boyfriend sleep, and even then, I'm never this close to him. It was still dark in our room and I could only barely see the wall clock. It was midnight.

     I carefully scoot off the bed, replacing the blankets so Kanda wouldn't get cold. I knew he would ever be cold, and if he was, he'd ignore it until he got frostbite. Walking to the bathroom, I snag the pills Komui gave me, popping one in my mouth and swallowing it dry. After using the john, I wash my hands and drink a little, trying to get the feeling of the pill out of my throat. The mirror, even in the dark, showed me my blue hair. It was nearly identical in color to Kanda's and I turned away, not wanting to look at it any longer.

     Of course, by the time I had returned to our bed, Kanda was awake. His bed, his bed! I mentally accuse myself. Aw, screw it. I sat beside him in our bed, slipping under the blankets. He had nothing on but boxers and was radiating heat against my sweatpants and bare chest. As I snuggle to his chest, he throws an arm over me in a very protective way. I ask, "Were you dreaming?"

     "Nightmare. You actually..." he trails off. I understand why he tried to squeeze the stuffing out of me now. His other arm was under my head and the hand connected to it skimmed over the places my nails made in my neck. It didn't hurt, but I still attempt to get closer to him with a whimper. I whisper, "Do you want me to start wearing shirts again? It wouldn't bother me."

     "No," he replies. "It's fine." I can tell that it did upset him, having to look at my scars and wounds. If I did start wearing shirts again though, he would just insist I not. He refuses to show too much emotion. I sigh and close my eyes, drifting to a world of peace.


      Sunlight filled the small room when my eyes opened. Kanda wasn't with me, his heat gone and the bed cold where he once was. I sit up and scan the room, eyeing the bathroom door as it opened. My eyes are glued to the dripping body and long hair of my boyfriend, stark naked and leaving the bathroom like it was nothing. His fingers ran through his wet hair, "Like what you see?"

      I force my eyes to meet his, amusement in the dark pools, "Maybe."

      He turns around and bends over, rummaging through his dresser. I growl as he purposely takes a lot longer than he needed to find his clothes. Finally finding what he was searching for, he rose up, and began to get dressed before my gazing eyes. I was going to get that revenge soon, very soon. I glance at the clock, hopping up quickly and pulling on the turtleneck that was lying on my dresser. It was ten o'clock and I wanted to eat before I did anything with Lenalee.

      "What's the rush?" Kanda asked, following me into the bathroom as I pull on the turtleneck and a random pair of jeans, seemingly unhappy that his performance got him nowhere. I run my comb through my hair. My hair! It was white again! I pull at the strands, ensuring that no color was left. Relief washed over me, "Hallelujah!"

     He smirked at my happiness. I say, "I'm meeting Lenalee at eleven and I am not going hungry."

     I grab the bottle of pills at the corner of the vanity, putting one in my mouth and drinking a little from the sink. The bluenette eyed the bottle as I sat them back on the vanity, "What are those?"

     I know he's worried about me and I wrap my arms around his waist, "I'm not on anti-depressants, if that's what you think. Komui gave them to me to keep me strong from the whole transition with my arm and Crown Clown."

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