Chapter 17: Ribs and Realizations

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     Screaming. The first thing my ears register as I wake up. I bolt up, and see the source of the noise is Allen and I frantically shake him, hoping the cause is a dream. No, his eyes are open and his face was slick with tears.

I knew he needed help. He was screeching in pain for goodness sake! Careful not to hurt my boyfriend, I took him in my arms, and that's when I notice it. There was something poking out of his side.

I didn't care that we were both in our underwear as I run as fast as I can to Komui's office, the evening rays of sun retreating. My only thought was to get help and how had he managed to break a rib in his sleep.

I was almost to Komui's office door and I whispered, "We're almost there, Allen." He was still screaming and I don't think could hear me, but I didn't care. I kick open the door, taking Komui by surprise as he jumped up and got into a fighting stance.

As soon as he saw the screaming boy in my arms though, he ran out the door, gesturing for me to follow. I sprint after him, relieved it wasn't far to the medical room.

Once we got to the surgery prep room, Komui said, "Set him on the table."

I carefully put him on the metal table in the middle of the room, not happy to let go of him. I heard footsteps over Allen's screeching, and soon Reever was beside me, tossing me an exorcist coat.

I watch Komui stab a needle into Allen's right arm as I pull on the clothing. I figured the needle contained some sort of anesthesia, and just before the whitette's eyes closed, he looked at me and whispered in a pained voice, "Don't let...them hurt...her...."

With that, he lost consciousness and I looked to Reever, "Who? Who doesn't he want you to hurt?"

Ignoring the question, Komui asked, "When was the first time the two of you had sex?"

"What?!" outraged was an understatement. "What makes you think we're doing anything?!"

"He's at seven weeks." I turn at a girl's voice to find Lenalee dashing to her brother's side. She asks, "Has it already big enough to break a rib?"

I was so confused, and for me, confusion and anger were a deadly mix. Taking a hold of Reever's collar, I shout, "What is happening to him?!"

"His rib is broken," he replied, fear of getting pummeled evident in his eyes. I growl, "I know that, idiot! What caused it to break?!"

"The baby! The baby is growing and it needs room!" he admits and I drop him. Komui and Reever then begin to wheel the table with my unconscious boyfriend on it into the surgery room. Lenalee lays her hand on my shoulder and whispers, "It's true, Kanda. Allen's pregnant."

I snap, "Stop lying and tell me the truth!" Whirling around, I glare at her, but from her eyes, I can tell she's telling the truth. That can't be right. It's not possible. Guys can't get pregnant. Pacing, I stare at the ground, not believing Allen had a baby in him, my baby.

"Kanda, he thinks you'll leave him when you find out. When he wakes up, you have to let him explain and make it clear that you won't ever leave him." She knew. She knew all along that he was pregnant and never said a thing. I say, "How?"

"The pills Komui gave him were-"

I raise my hand to stop her. It was the deranged scientist's fault that my Moyashi was pregnant. Lenalee said, "He just wanted to see if we could give birth to an exorcist by giving him drugs with fragments of Innocence to make it possible for it to bond, and if it was fertilized, become a baby."

"What about Allen?"

"He'd have a C-section to remove the baby and fake uterus."

I shake my head, "No, I mean what does Allen think about it. I know he tells you everything."

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