Chapter 31: Visitors

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         It had been a few days since we had the funniest drunk caregiver story contest, and it was about noon. I had already eaten lunch, and at the moment I was sitting on the bed playing with Ice. Kanda was taking a shower at the moment, but I had already taken one while he was sleep.

The kit was swatting a feather toy I was dangling above her head. Of course, she wasn't very successful with her attempts to grab it with her front paw, but she didn't give up as she rose up on her hind legs to reach up higher, still just a few millimeters off. I laugh a bit, amused by her efforts, and I let her have it, watching her chew and lick the toy. One thing I didn't understand was why she would bite and shake it and then hold it under her paw as she licked it. Hmm, it somewhat reminded me of what Kanda does to me, gnawing on my neck before giving it a long lick. A blush creeps onto my face and I push away the images of last night, one reason I needed the shower this morning.

Then, I hear a knock on the door. I was already dressed, so I get up and open the door, assuming it was Lenalee. I couldn't have been more wrong. On the other side of the door was the person who saved me when I lost my arm, dressed in her normal purple tube-top and shorts even with it being the day before New Year's. I squeal, "Fou!"

I throw my arms, clad in a black turtleneck, around her neck, embracing her tightly as she says, "Hey, Allen."

After we break apart, I step back and gesture for her to come in, "What are you doing here? I thought you couldn't leave the Asian Branch."

"They made another humanoid to help me after what happened before you left, and I was allowed to leave. Well, I kind of didn't give them a choice but to bring me," she explained, sitting on the bed beside me, and Ice started sniffing her.

"Ice, this is Fou. She saved me multiple times and helped me get my arm back," I say, and the feline nodded, brushing against the girl. I continue, "What do you mean by didn't give them a choice? Who else is here?"

She smiles, "Bak and Lou Fa came to visit you."

"Why?" I ask, very confused.

She rolls her eyes, "I know you're pregnant. Bak was part of the team that helped with it, but Lou just tagged along with us because she wanted to see you."

Ice cries loudly and crawls onto my lap, snuggling against me as I reply, "You aren't freaked out?"

"No, I think that it's sweet. The only thing freaky about it is that Kanda is the father. I never thought he'd open up to anyone."

I tilt my head as I scratch behind the white snowball's ear, "How do you know Kanda?"

"The Second Exorcist Program took place at the Asian Branch, which is why I was hoping to avoid him while I'm here. He hates me." She looked down at her paw-like hands, and continues, "Before I got to really know Bak, I was so jealous of Alma."

My eyes widen, "You had a crush on Kanda?"

"Yeah, still do a bit. I'm not going to act on it though, don't worry," she glances up at me, her purple eyes showing that she meant it. I say, "Why do you think he hates you?"

Fou opened her mouth to respond when the bathroom door opened, revealing my shirtless boyfriend in a pair of jeans. He was still drying his hair and when he saw Fou, he growled, "What's that thing doing here?"

"Don't worry, I'm leaving," the said "thing" responded. "Allen, would you want to have dinner with me later?"

As she walks toward the door, I nod, "Yeah, five o'clock?"

"Sounds good," Fou replied before slamming the door. I looked at Kanda as he stood there, tossing the towel into the bathroom and beginning to drag a brush he got from his dresser through his damp, cobalt ribbons. I growl, "What was that?!"

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