Chapter 19: Dude's Got Double D's?!?! Part 1

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        I move my hand and begin to fumble with the button of Kanda's pants.

Suddenly, his eyes grow wide and he moves back. I felt taken aback, "I'm sorry. We don't have to do anything if you don't wa-"

I'm cut off when my chest feels a lot heavier than normal and when I look down, my hair falls over my shoulder. Confused, I rush to the bathroom, closing and locking the door behind me. Expecting the worst, I face the mirror and gape.

My white hair was straight and probably longer than Kanda's in comparison. There was nothing covering my chest, and I stared. There was no way!

I had boobs! Not just like flat ones, but twice as big as Lenalee's. Pacing, I couldn't figure it out, the new weight making slouch slightly. Was this something that was supposed to happen? Was it just a side-effect of the pills? I was going to murder Komui!

Quickly, I check the inside of my pants. Nothing. I was a girl! The stupid lunatic had turned me into a girl! Hearing a knock on the door, I panic. The door was locked, but I couldn't stay in here forever. "Allen, are you okay?"

"I'm fine," I clasp my hand over my mouth. My voice was at least two octaves higher than normal, and Kanda definitely noticed. "Why is your voice higher?"

He said he would never abandon me. He said he would never abandon me. I repeat the sentence in my head over and over again, putting my arms over my greatly enlarged chest. Closing my eyes, I open the door, waiting for my boyfriend's reaction.

When nothing is said, I allow one eye to open. Kanda was looking me up and down continuously, not stopping until I said, "Kanda?"

"Why do you look like a girl?" he says, walking over to the bed. I wasn't sure if I should say that I was actually a female or not. Maybe I should just lock myself in the bathroom and wait it out. Maybe Kanda wouldn't mind.

There were too many "maybes" in the world. Screw it, I think, unbuttoning my jeans and stepping out of them before following him. He sits and I stand in front of him, only in my boxers, as he stares at my crotch. I feel so self-conscious, and I get on the bed beside him so he'd stop gazing.

The bluenette curses under his breath, swearing to kill the scientist we know is responsible, and darts to the door, pulling on a shirt as he goes. I barely catch the "I'll be back" as he slams the door behind him. I had a bad feeling about Komui's fate, or doom, as I sat there.

Wait a second, I was nearly naked sitting on the bed, and I'm pretty sure they would be back soon. Standing, I pull on my jeans and pick up my turtleneck beside the bed. There was only one problem.

I walk to the mirror, hardly able to breathe from the tightness in the cotton fabric because of the extra tissue on my chest. Maybe I would have been able to hide that if it weren't for the end of the shirt only coming to the top of my waist, leaving the bottom of my six-pack visible.

Sighing, I pull off the shirt, tossing it to the corner of the bathroom. What was I going to do? I couldn't just not wear a shirt, and none of my shirts would fit since that one wasn't even tight to begin with. I growl under my breath and stalk back into the bedroom, plopping down on the messy bed. The comforter generally stayed in the floor, since I got hot flashes and Kanda could keep me warm enough with his body heat. The sheets were at the end of the bed along with a fuzzy blanket I used from time to time, but really only needed it when my cold flashes got severe.

I really didn't want to sit with a sheet wrapped around my chest, but I couldn't think of anything else to cover up my new lady parts with. My gaze flickered to Kanda's dresser, and an idea popped into my head. I knew that his shirts were bigger than mine, because I may or may not have "accidently" put on one of his shirts on Thanksgiving.

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