Chapter 13: Symptoms and Suscpician

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      It's been a month now since the double date with Lavi and Lenalee. I had been on another mission and got back a few days ago. It was a success, retrieving Innocence and getting to go on the mission with Foxy. Kanda was by no means happy with the set up, and nearly skewered Komui for not letting him go. This forced Komui to send Kanda to another country some two-thousand miles away from me and he still hadn't gotten back, but was supposed to be here in a couple days. I didn't mind though. I mean, I missed him, but my life didn't stop or anything.

Another reason to be happy about him being gone was that I was vomiting almost every day and getting horrible cramps. I wasn't sure if I was sick or not, but had planned on seeing Komui later today. I was nearly out of the pills he told me to take, too, so I needed to get more. I sit up from where I was lying on the bed. It seemed empty without my boyfriend here, like the longer we were apart, the bigger the void in the room becomes. With a sigh, I stand from the soft bed and am hit with the pain in my stomach. I double-over, clutching my belly and sitting again. I had definitely felt worse, much more excruciating pain before, but this was different than anything I had every felt. It was like I could almost feel a part of me moving or something.

I inhale deeply before attempting to stand again, my need to move overriding the want to let the pain control my actions. Pulling on my exorcist coat, I open the door, making my way to Komui's office. He better not be drunk again and try to steal more cookies.

I stand in front of his office door, knocking. "Come in!"

Pushing open the door, I see the purple-haired scientist sitting at his desk. I take a seat on the couch and he asks, "What may I do for you, Allen?"

"First, I've run out of the pills you put me on. Second, I've been vomiting a lot, and having cramps. Is there anything you can give me to help with it?" I explain. A nearly devilish grin crosses his face as he replies, "I can give you the pills, but I'm afraid I can do nothing for the nausea and cramps."

I nod as he begins to look through the drawers of his desk, tossing a small bottle to me. Thanking him, I head back toward my room. After getting back and lying back down, I begin thinking. It wasn't as much of thinking as it was raising suspicions. I remember a few months ago when Lavi got sick, he told me the science division gave him medicine for the vomiting, and he was better in a couple of days.

If Komui can give Lavi something to help him, why can't he give it to me? Maybe it had something to do with my Innocence. The medicine he gave the rabbit may affect my arm or hurt the transition with getting it back and Crown Clown. For the lunatic's sake, it better be that. But with the look he had, something told me I didn't know the whole story.

The daylight was fading in the sky since the days were getting shorter. I had already eaten three times today, hurled the second, and slept the rest of the time. My sleeping was getting out of whack, too. It wasn't just sleeping more, but like I couldn't shake the feeling of drowsiness.

I knew I had to take a shower today, even though I didn't want to. The weirdness of my days had kept me from bathing in two days, and I'm pretty sure I stunk. I stood wearily, making my way to the bathroom and shutting the door behind me.

After undressing and testing the water, I step into the nearly burning hot water in the bottom of the tub. I had the water coming out of the bath faucet instead of the shower head so the tub would fill faster than it would otherwise. I sink down into the steaming liquid, its tongues lapping at my belly button. The pain came back again and I grab at my stomach, the feeling so strange and stinging my insides. I groan quietly, wishing the ache would leave me alone for one shower, or merely longer than five minutes.

I get the familiar feeling of bile rising in my throat. Giving up on anything more than the floor, I lean over the edge of the tub and pull back the curtain, spitting the liquid in my mouth. I gasp and fall back into the water. It wasn't vomit; it was blood. When did I start coughing up blood? It happens every now and then in fights, but never did I spit blood unless violence was involved.

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