Chapter 11: Double Date part 1

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       I immediately halted my shaking, my forehead on my knees. His hand found my back again, and I jolted at the touch, whirling around and clinging to him. I was so emotionally unstable right now it wasn't even funny.

      "How much did you read?" I whisper, my voice muffled by his chest. Strong arms wrapped themselves around my shoulders as I cried, and his voice cracked as he replied, "Enough. It was by no means pretty. You never told me I murder you."

     I nod, "With Mugen." I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to remember the awful nightmares. Tears stream down my face and dampen Kanda's shirt. He didn't seem to mind though, and he was trying to calm me down. It was like that night a couple days ago all over again. The bluenette attempting to comfort me as I cried and shook.

      I pull myself as close to him as I possibly can, crying, "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just...I just..."

       "Shh, it's okay. It was shock," he says to my hair before kissing the snowy strands. My hands were balled up in his shirt as I sobbed, trying to calm myself. It wasn't effective. He whispers, "Please stop crying, please."

     But I can't. The tears didn't stop and I choke out, "I can't. Just don't worry about it. I'll be okay before dinner."

       I must have caught his attention, and he asks, "Why dinner?"

       "I'll tell you later. Or at least Lenalee will," I reply, nuzzling my face into him. His grip around me tightened slightly, telling me he understood I wasn't feeling safe. I used to be unaware of the world with him. I used to be in control of my feelings around him. The stupid journal. I hadn't even looked at the appalling thing since the last time I needed to write in it. "I love you, Kanda. Please just forget whatever you read."

      "No. I'm sorry, but if what you wrote is all true, then I'm not going to let you be alone anymore," he said sternly. I really did stretch the feeling alone thing to the notebook quite excessively. He adds, "Not physically."

     I nod. I knew he wasn't extreme when it came to my protection. I was glad for it though. "Thank you. You don't know how much it means to me, Kanda."

       He doesn't reply, but instead pulls the blankets over us, careful to make sure I could breathe. It took several minutes for me to stop crying, and even then I was still sniffling. It was only five, so we still had two hours, and I knew exactly what I wanted to do in those extra hours, and that was stay where I was. Kanda, however, insisted I do something. I'm not sure what he wanted me to do, but I decided to take a quick shower.

      It was a truly amazing amount of wheedling I had to do to get the bluenette to allow me to take one by myself. Did I mention that he wasn't too overprotective? I'm in and out of the bathroom in ten minutes, but I forgot to bring the right clothes. I wanted to wear the skinny jeans and black turtleneck Lenalee got that day at Dollar General, but I went blank and forgot my clothes altogether.

      I pace beside the bathroom door, a towel around my waist. Kanda had seen me naked before. He'd seen me naked, like, six times. Wait, why was I counting these things? Shaking my head, I push open the door, the cool air hitting my bare chest. I peek around the wood to see Kanda sitting on the bed reading. Trying to stay silent, I stalk out the door and begin to go through the draws of my dresser. Finally finding the clothes, I stand, but not before hands meet my hips. I freeze and feel the towel drop to my feet.

       Shivering, I sense the body of a certain samurai pressed against mine and he whispers into my ear, "Why so modest, Kitten?"

        "I, um, forgot my clothes," I explain quickly, trying to get out of the situation. He wasn't letting me off that easy, especially after his show early didn't work. His tongue runs up my neck and I shudder, my legs threatening to give out. Hands roam my body, starting at my hips and working their way down.

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