Chapter 42: The Black Flower

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        So it was Wednesday, and I was anxiously awaiting Kanda's return because even though it wasn't bigger than a two centimeter difference, I had a baby bump! Now for the bad news, I had to go see Komui and get questioned as if something was wrong. Well, I guess for all I knew something was wrong, but it didn't feel different or anything other than my back hurting if I stand up too long.

"Komui, I'm here," I say happily, even if I was annoyed, as I open the door into the room the ultrasounds were performed in.

"Took you long enough, idiot pupil."

No. No! Why was that jerk here?! Said redheaded, womanizing alcoholic was sitting beside the bed, looking through papers on a clipboard, and I complain, "Why are you here, Master?"

"Just sit down and shut up," he grumbled. Using very colorful language, I sit down on the bed, waiting for the explanation that would never come, and Cross begins in a bored voice, "Have you had any cramps, morning sickness, or stomach-related issues?"

Shaking my head, I say, "No, but I want to know why you're here instead of Komui."

"Have you noticed any side-effects from the pills?" he asks, completely ignoring me. Cussing under my breath, I reply, "I get chills every other day at least, but other than that, nothing. Wait, nightmares aren't side-effects, right?"

Rolling his eyes, the General says, "No, moron. I thought you were smarter than that. Though, I guess if you were dumb enough to not use protection then I shou―"

"Would you just shut up?! I bet you've gotten several girls pregnant and you don't care, because you never cared for any of them!" I yell, fed up with his crap for the last time. Before, I could deal, but this was different. "Unlike you, I actually love someone, and I'm happy to be having a baby with him, so don't go insulting Kanda, me, or my daughter!"

Cross looks taken aback for a moment, but he quickly recovers and growls, "Watch it, apprentice. Have you had any abnormal drowsiness?"

Clenching my fists at my sides, I answer, "No."

With that, he starts writing something, but I didn't really care. Anger was still blazing in my chest, and it took years of practice to keep it down as I kept replaying his protection jab in my mind. The only thing that finally stopped the words in my head was Lavi's demand. Cross may not want you to know, but the next time you see him, tell him. Tell him you were a cutter.

Why should I reveal that to him? Why should I subject myself to his humiliation and verbal abuse? But then again, Kanda said he'd listen to advice Lavi gave him if he was serious. Telling myself that it was the right choice, I ask, "Master?"

"What? I'm trying to think, so whatever it is, make it quick," he says irritably, not glancing up from the clipboard.

"Can you keep a secret for me?" I ask, looking at my hands. Cursing in annoyance, he huffs, "Just spit it out, idiot apprentice."

"Promise you won't tell!"

Rolling his eyes, he growls, "Fine, whatever, I won't tell, now spill whatever it is or shut up."

Wincing at the harshness of his voice, I silently pray that he won't yell at me. I mean, if he thinks I'm disgusting, then Lavi, Lenalee, and Kanda are all on missions, and I don't want to disturb Fou since she's been training nearly nonstop lately. Taking a breath, I say, "Lavi said that I should tell you that I...."

"Would you say whatever the heck you want to say!?" he shouts, still writing something down.

"I was a cutter!" I blurt, not wanting to annoy him further, and I think that annoyance was at the other end of Cross's spectrum. A small clatter reverberated around the room as the pen fell from Master's hand as he looked at me, wide-eyed, and asked, "What?"

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