Chapter Six

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(Clarke's POV)

"Wake up Princess..."

Clarke's vision slowly blurred into focus.

"What?" She protested, her head still in the land of the dead.

"You've been asleep for ages. I'm sorry to wake you but we seriously need to get on with the plan."

It took another minute of lying there before all the events of the past few days came crashing back and Clarke groaned. Bellamy was perched on the edge of her cot, one hand on her shoulder, gently shaking her awake. Last night, after Clarke had calmed everyone down, she had nearly fainted from pure exhaustion. Luckily, Bellamy had noticed and had quickly guided her over to an empty bed. However, before she let herself completely doze off, she had made a quick visit to the medical wing. Fortunately for her, the adults had left some medication behind for them, including sleeping pills. Clarke knew she had over dosed but it was worth it. She was knocked out cold and for the first time in months, she was able to fully sleep without any terrible nightmares waking her up. Slowly sitting up, she realized just how much better she felt after a full nights sleep.

"I'll leave you to get ready, but be quick. Everyone is getting anxious."

He rose from his spot on her bed and made to leave but Clarke quickly stopped him, an important question blossoming in her mind. A question that she had been too tired to think of last night.

"Bellamy wait. It's just... I know basically everyone has moved into Mount Weather, but what do Kane and my mom think of all this?"

Bellamy hesitated and then sighed.

"Look. Let's just say that after everyone found out what had all gone down at the mountain, no one was happy. Octavia was beyond heartbroken and distraught, but even she could see the danger. It took a lot of convincing on our part for the adults to leave the grounders alone. They want the grounders to attack them so that they can have an excuse to finish them off once and for all. God knows they have the power and resources to do it now."

Clarke's heart fluttered and her stomach filled with butterflies. Yes, she hated Lexa and what she had done, but never would she wish for an entire race to be annilated.

"But Bellamy. Can't they see through their anger? We need the grounders, as much as I hate to admit it. They have been surviving down here way longer than we have. There are still so many things we don't know. We..."

"Yes Clarke. I am fully aware. I tired to reason with them but they are blind about this. They believe they are superior and there is nothing we can say to change that. That is why we need your help so badly."

Clarke nodded, a newfound determination settling within.

"Oh and one more thing. Have there been any other signs of other survives from the Ark?"

Bellamy looked down.

"Raven has been able to really fix up all of our communication technology. We tried sending search parties, we kept radio frequencies open... but nothing. Unless they landed extremely far away, I believe we are the last." Clarke nodded again. She had feared this but needed to confirm it.

"Thanks. I'll be ready in ten minutes. Have everyone gather in the meeting room. I believe we have a plan to discuss."

Once she had pulled on some decent clothing and attempted to make herself presentable, something she clearly forgot how to do, Clarke left her room and made her way to the meeting room. She would have been lying had she said she wasn't a little nervous. After all, it had been awhile since she last had to stand in front of a group and fearlessly lead them into battle. When she arrived, everyone was sitting on the ground, their bodies pressed tightly together, attempting to squish everyone into the small space. She could hear a faint chatter of voices, but they were quickly hushed when she rounded the corner. As soon as she arrived, Clarke stood at the entrance, deciding where to begin. She slowly let her eyes wander over the crowd. All those who had survived Mount Weather were gathered there, as well as a group of others that Clarke barely recognized.

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