Chapter Twenty

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(Clarke's POV)

She was in a room. A dark room. Her eyes strained wide in the blackness but she could not make anything out. Her hands trembled as she blindly reached out in front of her, desperately seeking something. A sharp laugh sounded from behind her and Clarke spun around, her heart thumping painfully in her chest. A white light shone from an unknown source, illuminating everything before Clarke all at once. Queen Nia stood in a pool of blood, a malicious grin spread across her face, and Lexa's severed head dangling in her hand. A sharp sensation ripped through Clarke as she sank to her knees, crying out.

"Clarke? Clarke wake up!"

A pair of strong hands wrapped themselves around Clarke's wrists, shaking her vigorously.

Clarke's eyes flew open, panic setting in as she took in the unfamiliar setting.

"Lexa? Lexa where are you?"

Clarke's voice shook and broke as she called out.

"Shhh. You're okay. It was just a dream."

Clarke gasped for air and looked to the person beside her.


"Everything is alright."

Raven gently stroked her friend's hair like she was an injured puppy that needed soothing.

"Why are you here? Where's Lexa?"

Her heart started to race again and a few beads of nervous sweat dripped down her face. She tired to push her way out of her bed but Raven placed her hands on Clarke's shoulders, holding her back.

"You are at the camp... Lexa is still in Polis and she is fine."

Memories of the previous day poured over her and a wave of fury surged through her veins.

"Raven, I need you to listen to me. I need to get back to Polis right away. I don't care what Lexa or anyone else says, I am more than capable of making my own fucking decisions."

"Clarke, you listen to me. Do you even have any idea of the things Lexa told your mom had happened to you in that letter she wrote? Clearly you need a time out. I'm sorry if that sounds harsh but I don't exactly trust your judgement right now."

Clarke bit back a sharp reply. None of this was Raven's fault, she was just trying to help.

"And what exactly did she write to my mother?"

Raven didn't even blink before replying.

"She spoke of how her actions caused a certain clan leader to get angry with her and take it out on you. She said that she had let herself become selfish and that is why Nia was able to capture you. She didn't leave out any of the details of the torture either. She explained that you being around her was dangerous and that you would end up getting killed if you remained there any longer. She then apologized immensely for her behaviour and said that she would send a messenger with their agreement once one had been reached. Your mother has been worried sick and so she agreed with Lexa's plan of sending you back here."

Clarke's stomach churned at the thought of Lexa blaming everything that had happened all on herself. She was convinced that she would never be allowed to fall in love and because of Clarke's idiotic mistake Lexa thought it was true. Everything that Raven had just told her further proved her point that she had to get back to Lexa right away. She needed to prove to Lexa that love was not a curse.

Clarke looked deep into Raven's eyes, trying to leave everything she was feeling out in the open, hoping that that would be enough for Raven to believe her.

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