Chapter Sixteen

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(Lexa's POV)

"What do you mean?"

Lexa tried to keep her voice from quivering. Confusion was evident in her tone.

"I mean she's in the wall!"

Octavia burst forward and ran to the empty wall beside Lexa's bed, pounding her fists on it as hard as she could. Lexa stood still in shock, Octavia's words having not yet resonated with her. Luckily, Roan was quicker to react. He stepped towards Octavia and pulled her away from the brick wall, trying to prevent her from hurting herself.

"What are you doing?" She growled at him. "Clarke's in there, we have to help her!"

Despite Octavia's strength, Roan was stronger, and he held tightly onto her until she stopped trying to claw her way free.

"The wall is made from stone, there's no way we will be able to break into there. We have to find an entrance, there must be one somewhere."

He turned towards Lexa. "Try to think, would there be any possible way to get into a room behind your walls?"

Lexa desperately racked her brain for anything, anything at all. She tried to picture all the rooms that could potentially share an adjoining wall to this room that she didn't know existed, but she drew a blank.

"Would there be anyone that knew about it? Arya, Anya?" Roan pressed on.

Lexa tried to conjure up a list of all the people that would know the palace well, and that was when a sudden memory flashed in her brain.

Costia had been visiting Polis and Lexa had given her the same guest room she had given Clarke. She was just saying goodnight and was about to leave when Costia had playfully pinned Lexa up against a bookshelf, trapping her with her arms and refusing to let Lexa go until she gave Costia a "proper goodnight kiss". Lexa had leaned back, placing a little more weight onto the shelf, and the next thing she knew the bookcase had slid away as if it were as light as a feather. It had revealed a little enclosed area that could really fit no more than three people. "I think I just found us a secret room, a place where no one can find us," Costia had teased. Lexa had joined in her laughter thinking nothing of it at the time. But as she now struggled to recall the exact details of that room, she couldn't help but remember another hidden door, one that they hadn't bothered to open.

"I think I might know."

She immediately left the room, not bothering to wait for a response from the other two. Her heart pounded in anticipation as she pushed against the bookshelf, watching it slide away. She stepped into the alcove, looking around frantically for a door.

"There!" Octavia's voice rang out and she pointed to a spot to the left of Lexa.

Sure enough, as well hidden as it was, there was the faint outline of a door. With trembling hands, Lexa held her breath and pushed. As heavy as it appeared to be, the fake stone door swung open with ease. A bone chilling draft hit her and she shivered before quickly stepping into the room. It took all of two seconds before her eyes landed on a lifeless figure chained to a bed. A soft cry escaped her lips before she could stop herself and she rushed over, sinking to her knees.


She whispered, reaching out a shaky hand. Clarke's hair was greasy and matted, plastering itself to her head. Lexa had never seen her look so fragile and she was scared that if she were to touch her she might shatter. Even as she slept, Clarke looked like she was in pain. Lexa ever so cautiously reached forward and gently placed her hand on Clarke's cheek. The girl's face softened at the touch and she stirred slightly. One blue eye slowly opened.

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