Chapter Twenty One

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(Clarke's POV)

"A what?"

It wasn't that Clarke wasn't listening to her friend, it was that what she was saying was not registering at all in Clarke's mind.

"A helicopter."  At Clarke's wide-eyed look, she continued. "You know, we learn't about them on the Ark. It's similar to a plane, it can move both vertically and horizontally, it's rotor blades control its movement..."

"I am aware of what a helicopter is, Raven, I'm just finding this all a little difficult to believe."

"Well then come outside and see for yourself!"

Without another moment of hesitation, Clarke ran from the room, Raven and Octavia following closely behind in her wake. The second she stepped outside, a gust of wind slapped her in the face and she was momentarily blinded by the swirling vortex of dust in the air. Squinting through the haze, she pushed forward, shoving past all the people that were gawking from their safety confines inside the gate. The deafening sounds of the blades started to quiet the more they slowed and Clarke was able to remove her hands from her ears, pulling out her gun instead. She cautiously moved forward, keeping her arms straight, the pistol pointed directly at the door of the helicopter. There was a muffled pop and the door slide open, a set of stairs falling out to the ground beneath it. Clarke's hands grew clammy and her heart race tripled as she anxiously waited for someone to appear. She held her breathe. Three long seconds passed and then she saw a flicker of movement.

At the entrance to the helicopter a young lady appeared.  She was no older than twenty but held herself with an air of high authority. Her red hair was pulled back tightly in a bun and she was clad in a full military outfit. She slowly raised her hands above her head.

"Please don't shoot me Clarke, I'm not the enemy."

Clarke's heart dropped into the pit of her stomach and a cold shiver went up her spine. Who the hell is this person and how does she know my name?

"I'm going to come down now and I would appreciate it if you stopped pointing your gun at me."

Clarke very slowly lowered her weapon but did not take her finger off the safety, eyeing the uniformed girl suspiciously. Something seemed off, very off. The girl descended the stairs slowly and once at the bottom stuck out her hand for Clarke to shake.

"I'm Scout."

Clarke suspiciously took the girl's hand in her own.

"I would introduce myself but you seem to already know me."

"I'm sorry, I know this all seems a little strange but if you will allow I would like to explain myself."

"Is there anyone else with you?" Clarke nervously eyed the helicopter.

"Yes, but they will remain situated until I order them to move."

Clarke nodded and turned to Bellamy who had also followed her out.

"Get some of your troops and keep a close eye on the helicopter. If anything at all seems out of place call for me immediately." Clarke turned back to acknowledge Scout, "you can follow me inside."

Clarke led the way back into the camp and into a secure room. Raven and Octavia followed, guarding the door as Clarke took a seat at the table. She motioned for Scout to sit as well.

"You had better explain yourself, and fast. I can guarantee Lexa and her army are already on their way and those at Mount Weather have your helicopter in their crosshairs."

Her tone was threatening, but Scout didn't appear to be bothered.

"Look Clarke, I don't really know how to go about this so I'm just going to dive into the deep end."

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