Chapter Fifteen

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(Clarke's POV)

She fell in and out of a delirious sleep. Whenever she opened her eyes they were immediately filled with tears that she didn't have the strength to try and suppress. Her entire body ached with a pain so great it blocked out everything else. Her mind kept screaming at her to move, to run, to do something, but it was like all life had been sucked out of her. Clarke had no clue how long she remained in this state, but it felt like eternity. It was one of those rare times when she was consciousness for more than a few minutes when Nia re-entered her chamber. When the Queen saw that Clarke was awake she started speaking.

"I have just been informed that Lexa has apparently fallen "extremely ill" and could not get out of bed to address the clan leaders this morning. I take this as a sign that my plan is working."

A new burst of red-hot fury burned inside Clarke. She knew Lexa and she knew that the Commander would not just push aside an important meeting because she was worried about her. No, something else must have happened.

"What did you do to her?"

It took a great deal of strength to muster up the energy to talk, and even through the weakness of her voice, the malice that she mustered up was enough to shock even herself.

"If you are talking about something physical that I have done to harm Lexa then I can assure you that I have done nothing. Any state that she is currently in...well...I have you to thank for that."

If Clarke would have had something in her stomach she surely would have thrown it up by now. The thought of her being the source for Lexa's pain made her sick. I just wanted to help everyone.

"I have left Lexa a message. If she does not respond before sundown then the torture will continue."

It was then that Clarke had the realization. If Lexa could hear her screams, she could surely hear Clarke calling to her and telling her where she was. She filled her lungs with air so that she could shout, but Nia must have sensed exactly what it was she was trying to do.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Clarke raised an eyebrow but continued to open her mouth nonetheless.

Nia stepped forward and pressed a sharp fingernail into one of Clarke's wounds that had not yet sealed itself. She clamped her jaw down and a whimper escaped her mouth before she could bit her tongue.

"Besides," the Queen shrugged, nonchalantly wiping the blood off on her shirt, "Lexa is not currently in her room, and even if she were, do you honestly think I would be stupid enough to let you call for help?"

She grabbed a cloth from beside the bed and roughly fastened it around Clarke's mouth. She tried to yell around the fabric, even though she knew it was pointless. Clarke eventually gave up and relaxed, succumbing to the fact that there was nothing she could do. The Queen gave a satisfied smile and left the room; leaving Clarke alone and with the knowledge that despite the fact that Lexa was only a few feet away, she would never be able to see her again.

(Lexa's POV)

When she woke again her head had cleared and she found herself all alone. An empty chair sat beside her bed. She realized what had happened and panic started to cloud her brain once again, but this time she pushed it back. Last night she had let her emotions lead her into a panic attack, and that had cost her too much. She was now both mentally and physically exhausted and she had wasted precious time having to sleep off the fever. Years of training kicked in and she took a moment to suppress everything she was feeling. She looked down at her hands and focused on the many lines and folds of her skin instead of allowing herself to focus on the danger Clarke was in. There was no way in hell that she was going to allow herself to become weak like that again. Roan was out looking for Clarke and she had to trust that he would find her. Besides, Lexa needed to focus on the task at hand. She couldn't afford to let the coalition fall apart because she was distracted. The meeting had gotten off to a rocky start and Lexa decided it was time to step up her game and remind the leaders exactly who she was. She pulled on her clothes, painted her face, and left the room.

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