Chapter 1

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"Daisy are you coming?!" I heard my bestfriend shout for the thousandth time.

"Yes! Geez. Can't a girl comb her hair in peace?" I said walking into my kitchen, my bestfriend Lilly was seated at the table eating a poptart. She never ceased to make herself at home. And that was my last pop tart. Awesome, I thought.

"Well not all of us have hair down to our asses that take hours to comb. Since when do you shower in the morning anyway?"

"I fell asleep before I could last night. And watch your mouth."

"Well I'm older than my mother after waiting on you. So thanks for that." She said taking a bite out of an apple.

"Ok, really. That was mine." She handed me the apple with a missing chunk and laughed heading for the door.


"Ugh will you go open it please." I asked Lilly as we arrived at school. As much as I loved her Toyota Tacoma, the passenger door never wanted to open for me.

"First day of our senior year and you can't even get out of the car." She laughed at my expense and walked around to open my door. I stumbled a bit as I hopped down, trying to play it off by grabbing my textbook. "The fact that you only have one book is such bullshit." She scoffed.

"Sorry that I was smarter than you and took all of my hard classes early." I straightened my skirt and pulled on my backpack as Lilly complained. She was worried her senior year was going to be hard. I on the other hand got core classes and all of the necessities out of the way my first two years of high school, and all I had left was electives and Economics. I would've taken Econ sooner, but its only for seniors. It's by far going to be my hardest class, but nobody fails Econ, so it can't be THAT hard.

"Whatever. Have fun with your stupid art classes all alone. I'm gonna have a blast in math and science." She said sarcastically pumping her fist. I just laughed.

"What's everyone looking at...." I asked, feeling self conscious. We were walking out of the parking lot, but everyone on the grass was intrigued by what was behind us.

I turned to see a bright red motorcycle pulling into the lot, parking right next to Lilly's truck. As fast as they were going I was almost positive the only way they could stop would be by crashing into the Tacoma. The bikes back tire lifted up slightly as it came to a stop, it's rider throwing his foot back to put down the kick stand. The boy on the bike got off and removed his helmet. His hair was so perfectly sculpted you'd never know he even had a helmet on. All of the girls around us gushed at his appearance. He was in tight black jeans, and as he unzipped his leather jacket it revealed a scoop-neck white t-shirt. If it weren't so even, I'd think he cut it himself. He had what looked like wings peaking out of the shirt on his chest, along with a chain hanging low. I wondered what other tattoos he had... I looked up to his face. Something about him looked familiar. I wasn't sure if it was his eyes....but they were magnificent. He had the longest lashes I'd ever seen on a boy. Better lashes than any girl at our school, that was for sure. He had bushy eyebrows, but it somehow suited him. His cheekbones were the most chiseled things I'd seen in my life, and you could slice a rock with that jawline. He's...he's perfect, I thought to myself as he walked out of the parking lot.

"Dude. Who's the new guy?" I mumbled to Lilly.

"He's not new, Dais. That's Zayn." Shut. Up. There's no way that the man in front of me is Zayn. He looks too different... The Zayn I know had an odd shaped head. His eyes were too big for his face, and nobody could understand his odd accent. He always claimed he was from England, but everyone made fun of him and told him he shouldn't lie. He left school Freshman year when he got bullied by a kid that constantly called him a terrorist...I felt so bad for him. And, I hated that kid for messing with him. He always looked like such a nice kid. But now he be honest he looks like a badass. If my mom saw him looking like that she'd want me no where near him. 

Zayn walked out of the parking lot, completely ignoring all of the girls that gawked at him. His eyes met with mine, and suddenly everyone else was nonexistent. My eyes went completely wide, and I was positive I'd never move from that spot on the sidewalk again.

"Daisy." He said as he walked past, a smirk on his face visible.

"What. The. Fuck." Lilly said grabbing my arm. "I was using my flirty face and he said hi to YOU. I thought he was looking at me. What a waste of effort." She sighed and pulled me along once the bell rang.

Our first period class was the only one Lilly and I had together, and we had brunch, but brunch is pointless. It's just a 15 minute break after second period that everyone uses to gossip and go to the bathroom. I was worried about lunch. I had first lunch, and she had second. I know everyone in our senior class, but Lilly's my bestfriend. I'm used to being with just her.

We walked into Econ, our incredibly short teacher standing in the front ready to begin course introduction. There were only 3 open seats, two of them being in the very back.

We took our seats and I copied down the days objectives into my planner. Everyone else in my school uses paper calendars that each teacher gives you, but I have my own way of doing things. I liked how I could decorate mine how I please, and it was easier to carry in my opinion. While I was doodling on the first page of the planner I heard someone walk into the room. I kept my eyes on the page, but I was forced to look up when the kid to my right got up and went to the open seat in the front. I looked at the desk next to me confused, and a familiar leather jacket filled the seat.

"Hello, Daisy."

•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••Authors Note:

New fanfic wooo!
I won't be posting every day like I did with the last fanfic I wrote. I will update on Mondays and Fridays.

PS: all pictures including outfits, characters, and more can be found on @alyssasfanfics on Instagram! Or use the hashtag #vulnerablefic to see stuff from JUST this fanfic. (:

Vulnerable (Zayn Malik AU)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt