Chapter Five

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Not too long later I hear a car speeding nearby. I quickly hid in a hedge and waited until the car had sped past. I got out of the hedge and looked down the street where the car had gone. Caellum was probably home by now and worried about me. I then shook my head and kept walking, thinking about how Amy hadn't even tried to call me since I'd 'gone missing'. Showed how much she cared for me, not. My phone started buzzing so I got it out and looked at it. It was Caellum, as expected. I debated whether to answer or not until there was almost no time left. I quickly clicked the green button and put the phone to my ear.
"Where the hell are you?" Caellum demanded.
"Some random street somewhere," I answered vaguely.
"What street? I'll come pick you up," he stated and I heard keys rattling.
"I said I wanted to go out tonight and now I'm out. I might call you when I'm ready to come back," I argued, seeing a park in front of me.
"I was worried. And so was Oswell. Apparently, you'd agreed to hang out with him tonight?" Caellum told me and I stopped.
"I didn't agree to it, I just said I'd think about it. And I decided I'd rather hang out with the darkness tonight. Tell him I'm sorry for me," I explained.
"Tell him yourself," Caellum replied and I heard the phone exchanging hands.
"Hey Malise, your stomach okay now?" Oswell growled and I recoiled from the phone.
"Hey, I'm sorry I wanted to be alone tonight and you always seem to be around," I retorted.
"You could have just said that," he hissed.
"I'm sorry," I muttered.
"Where are you?" he asked and I giggled, as I started walking to the park again.
"If I'm not going to tell Caellum where I am, why would I tell you?" I questioned.
"Because I'm not going to force you to come back," he whispered and a shiver went down my back.
"I'm at a park," I answered quickly and without thought.
"Okay. See you soon," he stated, ending the call. I sighed and entered the park, making my way over to the abandoned play equipment. I saw a figure in my peripheral vision and moved my head to look at them, but they disappeared. I felt on edge, knowing this person was probably dangerous. I grabbed my new knife out of my pocket and gripped it in my hand. I continued walking, silently listening for any sound of an advance. There was the sound of running feet coming from behind me on the right, so I waited a few seconds before spinning around and slashing out. I hit something and I heard a male groan. I moved away slightly, but then they ran at me again. I spun out of the way and slashed out again, hitting something again. I wish I could see properly, but then I could also use the darkness to my advantage. I started running towards the play equipment and they ran after me. Suddenly, a weight slammed me from the back and we were falling. I quickly spun around and when we landed I tried to hit him, but he pinned my arms down. I grunted as I tried to escape, but there wasn't any way out. He was older than me and much bigger. He moved so my hands were under his knees and his hands were free.
"Say goodbye," he whispered and I closed my eyes, waiting for the perfect moment to buck him. I could hear more running feet as the man pressed the knife a little harder against my neck. Then there wasn't anyone on top of me. I opened my eyes and jumped up, looking around. There were two figures fighting and I instantly knew who the other one was. He made such accurate moves that the man was bleeding out in seconds. He made one last cut on the man's neck and the man fell, dead. Then the other figure turned and ran back to me.
"You okay?" Oswell questioned.
"I'm fine, thanks," I said, trying not to sound annoyed.
"You're welcome," he replied. I breathed in a deep breath, processing what just happened.
"I guess I'm lucky you got here in time," I remarked, even though I had a plan.
"I actually got here earlier, but I was watching you fight. You're really gracefully. Then when he rammed you, I started running," he revealed.
"Why did you come?" I asked.
"Caellum was freaking out, so I told him I would come and pick you up. Though he's not happy that you told me where you were and not him," he explained.
"You said you wouldn't force me to go back!" I exclaimed, putting my hands on my hips. He moved closer, until it felt like he was a hair's length away.
"I didn't tell him when I would bring you back," I told me and I smiled.
"Smart," I remarked and he chuckled.
"Thanks," he replied.
"So what we going to do?" I inquired.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Well, you wanted to hang out," I said and I could almost feel him smiling.
"I thought we could talk, get to know each other," he told me and now I smiled.
"Sure," I agreed. I heard a car speeding nearby and my smile dropped. It stopped somewhere nearby and a door slammed open and closed.
"You're lucky all the cars have GPS trackers in them," Caellum stated.
"I said I would pick her up," Oswell hissed.
"Yeah, but you didn't bring her back," Caellum argued.
"I didn't say anything about that," Oswell told him. I silently crept away, letting them bicker among themselves. I moved to the play equipment and sat on the swing, trying not to think of anything. Sometimes, thoughts just needed to be silenced. I could still hear them arguing, so I decided to consider my options. If I told Caellum there was nothing going on, then I would pretty much be saying I prefered Oswell. Then he would intensify his attempts to get in. But if I told Oswell I didn't care, I would be saying I prefered Caellum. I sighed again, because no matter who I rejected, I was technically accepting the other. The question was, which I one did I prefer?
"Malise, we're going," Caellum instructed and I looked over at them.
"I don't want to," I argued.
"Now," he stated and I got really angry.
"You don't get to tell me what to do. You're not my dad," I shouted, then ran off in the opposite direction. I could hear them both yelling after me, but I didn't listen. I stayed in the shadows and when I saw an alleyway, I quickly ran into it and stopped, pressing against the wall. I heard them run past and I moved quietly out of the alleyway, looking in the direction they'd run. I now had no clue where I was, so I walked back the way I'd come. In the park's car park, there were two cars, so I jumped in the back of one and waited. I felt really tired, so I laid down and closed my eyes, promising myself I wouldn't fall asleep so when the boys came back, I could hide properly.

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