Chapter Twelve

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After two singles and another couple, I was on the last door when I encountered my first problem. I was about to open the door, when it slowly opened and a little girl with a glowing toy was standing there.
"Who are you?" she asked curiously and I stopped, not knowing how to deal with this.
"I'm an angel. I'm here to help you," I answered gently, making my voice sound calm and sweet.
"Really?" she exclaimed.
"Yes, but you have to be quite. Your parents can't know I'm here," I lied.
"Okay," she agreed, totally believing.
"But I can't help you if you're awake. When you wake up, everything will be better than it was before," I stated and she ran into her room. I heard a bed creak, like someone had jumped into it. I walked in after her and stood over her.
"Will I see you tomorrow?" she asked.
"No, I have to go help others," I explained truthfully. She didn't say anything else, so I quickly slit her throat. She gasped and did a little cry before she went silent. I looked around the room and saw a crib. Oh crap, I was going to have to kill a baby. I slowly moved over to the crib and saw the sleeping form of a baby in there. I got out my phone and turned it on, shining the screen light over the child. They couldn't be older than a year old. Something inside me was telling me I shouldn't, couldn't kill this baby. I texted Oswell:
"There's a baby here. I can't kill it." And walked out of the room to search for money. I quickly got a reply, so I clicked messages.
"I thought you liked killing?" I sighed and replied.
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I don't have a heart. It's only a year old." I kept looking for money and found heaps in the upstairs rooms, so I travelled downstairs.
"How about this: You either have to take the baby in, or kill it?" I stared at the message and thought it over.
"I would choose to take it. Make it one of us." Though technically you were born like us, or you weren't. I looked around downstairs and found plenty in the couple's room. Another buzz, another message.
"Give me thirty minutes, I'll be there." I sighed and checked all the other rooms, then every part of the house for secret safes. By the time I heard the car pull up outside, I'd gotten around $300, which I found pretty amazing. The front door opened and closed quietly, then footsteps came through the house.
"Where's the kid?" Oswell asked. I led him upstairs into the baby's room and over to the crib, shining my screen light over it.
"Have you ever killed a baby?" I questioned.
"No," he answered.
"What if we dropped it on a doorstep?" I suggested.
"We're going to have to," he decided. He left the room and I was left alone with the baby and the smell of blood. Killing the girl had been fine, but I couldn't kill the baby, I don't know why, but I just couldn't. Oswell came back, with a pair of gloves in his hands. He handed them to me and I put them on, then wrapped up the baby, picked it up and carried it out of the room. We made our way out of the house and into the car, the baby still in my arms. "If we get caught, it's all your fault," Oswell muttered and I smiled. We drove away from the house and around for a while, until he stopped at a random house. It looked simple and baseline.
"Do you know who lives here?" I questioned.
"They need someone else to raise," he mumbled and I knew his parents lived here. I got out of the car and crept up to the door, placing the baby right in front of the door. I ran back to the car and Oswell sped off. It was only midnight, which I found surprising.
"How many did you kill?" I inquired.
"Five, you?" he answered.
"Ten. And in just one night. That's better than Chandra," I boasted and he chuckled.
"I should've take your house," he regretted.
"Are we going to do another?" I asked and he shook his head.
"We've had enough drama for one night," he stated and I nodded my head. "How much did you get?" he added.
"Over 300, you?" I declared and he chuckled again.
"You've done well for your first night. 250," he replied as we arrived at the hotel. We got out and made sure you couldn't see any evidence of what we'd been doing. I made sure my hair was fully covered as we walked in. The lobby staff were pretty much sleeping, so we quickly moved past them and up to our room. I took the first shower, so I grabbed my old PJ's and went into the bathroom. I cleaned my knife and made sure there was absolutely no blood on it before I dried it. I undressed and got in the shower, washed my hair and body and got out. I got dressed and took everything back into the room, while still drying my hair with my towel. Oswell went to have his shower while I took everything out of the secret pockets. I put it into a pocket in my bag, then grabbed my charger and plugged it into the power point near my bed. I plugged my phone in and crawled into bed. My phone started ringing, so I looked to see who was ringing. It was an unknown number, so I was hesitant to pick it up. I decided not to and it rang out, until it went to the recording.
"Hey Malise, it's Avyanna," a voice said and I grabbed my phone and answered it.
"Hey," I greeted.
"Why didn't you answer?" she questioned.
"Because it was an unknown number and I was being cautious," I explained.
"Smart. So where are you?" she inquired.
"Bondi," I answered.
"I take it you took Oswell with you?" she guessed. I saw something move in my peripheral, so I looked and saw Oswell coming out of the bathroom, in only his PJ pants again.
"Yep. I needed a driver and he is one," I replied.
"Is something going on between you two?" Avyanna prodded and I looked over at Oswell again.
"Hold on one sec," I rushed and put her on hold.
"Who was that?" Oswell asked.
"Avyanna. She wants to know if there's something going on between us. Should I tell her?" I informed him.
"Not yet," he declared. I nodded and took Avyanna off hold.
"Sorry, there was a cleaning lady at the door. No there's nothing happening at the moment," I lied.
"So something could be happening?" Avyanna exclaimed and I giggled.
"I want something to happen, but I don't know," I sighed, smiling at Oswell.
"Then make something happen girl!" she instructed.
"We'll see," I mused.
"Okay, I have to go. Going out tonight with Pietro. Talk to you later!" Avyanna ended and hung up. I saved her number as a contact and put my phone down. Oswell got up and a moment later, the lights went out. I felt him slip back into bed.
"Goodnight Tyler," I whispered, smiling and he groaned.
"Call me that and I'll start calling you Maisie," he threated and I growled lowly, making him chuckle. "Goodnight Malise," he added and I smiled again."Goodnight Oswell," I retried and he grunted in appreciation. We lay there in silence for a while and I was almost asleep, when I felt Oswell reach out and pull me against him. I snuggled into him and he tightened his hold a little. 

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