Chapter Seventeen

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By the time I was done, having gone to Rikard and ordering everything I wanted, it was seven. I was back in my room, when I decided to listen to music. I grabbed my earphone and my phone and plugged them in, turning it to shuffle. "Pumped Up Kicks" by Foster The People plays and this one is special, because it's kind of talking about my life. How all the popular kids should've been careful of me, I was dangerous. Just as the song was finishing, was door was slammed open and I jumped up, reaching for my knife. But it was just Oswell, a very mad Oswell.

"Caellum?" I asked.

"No, Rikard. I went to ask him if it was okay if we moved into the same room. And he said no! Just because we're underage," he snarled. So I couldn't sleep with Oswell? That sucked. I put my knife down and walked over to him.

"It's going to be okay. We'll still see each other. It's not like they said we couldn't be together," I offered.

"If they did that, I would take you and run away," he hissed, looking at a spot behind me.

"Oswell," I said and he looked at me, his blue eyes staring into my black ones. "We just started dating. There may be a pull, but that doesn't you have to be irrational," I stated and he nodded.

"Sorry, it's just that, I've seen a few couples move into each other's rooms, I didn't think it would be a problem," he sighed.

"Did you tell him we wouldn't be having sex?" I questioned.

"Yes. But he said that he wouldn't risk it," he answered. I nodded and hugged him. He quickly hugged me back, holding me tight against him. "We'll be fine," he whispered and I nodded again.

"I think I'm going to go to sleep," I announced, letting go and he let go too.

"Okay, goodnight Malise," he replied and I smiled.

"Goodnight Oswell," I said as he walked out of my room. I was about to get dressed, when there was a knock on the door. I waked over and answered it, finding Av standing there.

"Hey. Everyone's going out tonight. Just letting know," she informed me and I nodded.

"Okay. Thanks," I replied, closing the door. So everyone except Oswell and I were going out tonight? That sucked even more. I got changed and crawled into bed, hoping sleep would come quickly.

A man was standing over my and I was in a crib. His face was shadowy and black, so I couldn't make out anything.

"There's so much darkness in you, it shows in your eyes," the man commented, his voice a little familiar, but I couldn't quite pin it. He chuckled and picked me up. "Your hair is like dying embers. It shows your fiery passion. And someday, you will feel the need for blood and death. It's all part of it. Don't worry, sweet Maisie," he added. I just kept staring at him as he put me back down. I couldn't do anything. He pulled something out of his pocket and lifted it into the moonlight streaming through the window. It was a knife, a very bloody knife. "While I'd love to see you grow up and see that darkness flourish, to be part of the Dark, a darkness so intense as yours can't possibly be let live," he finished as the knife rushed down towards me. I could hear screaming in the background, along with my cries.

I sat up screaming, drenched in sweat. I felt all over my body, making sure I was real, I was all there and sighed when I realized nothing was wrong. The door flung open and I jumped, hiding behind the bed.

"Malise, it's me, Oswell. Nobody's home yet," Oswell soothed and I stood up, breathing deeply. I sat back on the bed and just started crying. The nightmare had been terrifying and I couldn't do anything. It felt so real too. I could still hear his words and the screams in my ears. Oswell came over and hugged me tightly, trying to calm me down.

"It was horrible Oswell. I was a baby and a man tried to murder me," I cried and he lifted me onto his lap, hugging me against his chest.

"What happened?" he cooed, rubbing my back and hair, anything.

"I . . . I think it was a memory," I sobbed.

"Why?" he questioned.

"Because the man was talking about my eyes and how my hair used to look. His voice was so familiar and he talked about the Dark," I explained. "He was saying how he knew I would turn out like this, but that that kind of darkness couldn't be let live," I added.

"It was just a bad dream," Oswell argued.

"But if it is a memory, then it would explain why I never knew my father. He tried to kill me," I said.

"Come on, we're going into my room," Oswell declared.

"Why can't we stay in here?" I countered.

"Because your bed is covered in sweat. You'll have to wash and dry them tomorrow," he stated. I nodded, but before I could stand up, his arms were behind my back and under my knees. He was carrying me bridal style to his room. I just put my arm around his neck, letting him, not wanting to argue. He opened his door and laid me on his bed, then leaving the room.

"Why'd you leave?" I asked when he came back.

"I closed your door, so nobody suspected you were in here," he explained and I nodded. He climbed into bed and quickly pulled me against him. "You're safe now," he muttered and I smiled.

"I know," I whispered, moving up to kiss him. It started soft, but as soon as wrapped my arm around his neck, it became intense, like before. I pressed against him as he moved on top of me, kissing down my jaw and to my neck. I let my hands roamed over his body, while his lips moved lower, to the edge of my PJ top. His hands moved to unbutton it and something in me finally realized what was happening. I quickly slid from under him and stood near the door. "What just happened?" I mumbled, my hands in my hair. Tonight so many things were happening, my brain couldn't process them.

"Malise, I'm sorry. I, I just got so caught up in the moment," Oswell apologized, getting off the bed and slowly coming towards me.

"No, I should've kept myself in check," I argued. The fact was, like that it was hard to think about anything else but what I was feeling.

"Malise," he started.

"I, I should go back to my room," I said and started towards the door. But Oswell grabbed my arm and spun me around, instantly kissing me. I kissed him back as he backed us into the wall. I returned my arms to around his neck and his arms went around me. He started moving his lips down again and I sighed, closing my eyes as his lips sent shivers through me.

"You want it. Whether you want to admit it or not, you want it," he told me into my neck. "I know you don't want to move to fast, but maybe there's a reason behind it and if we figure it out, we can see if we can move past it," he added and I opened my eyes.

"I'm afraid of giving everything too quickly, then getting hurt," I confessed and he stopped, moving to look into my eyes.

"Malise, what I feel for you, I've never felt with anyone ever. Never had this immense pull," he told me, moving his hands to hold my face. "You might have said earlier that it's too early to be thinking things like that. But I honestly believe no one will ever make me feel the way you do. Will send a pleasant shock through me every time they so much as brush their hand against mine," he added and more tears were welling up in my eyes, but they were happy tears, because I could hear the passion behind it. He really meant the words he was saying, so I knew I could trust him.

"Okay," I whispered.

"Don't argue. It's how it – wait, what?" he replied, not realizing I'd already agreed.

"Okay," I repeated and I could feel him smiling. He kissed me softly, sweetly, lovingly, but I still had one more thing to say. "Just, not all the way yet. I'm not ready for that," I murmured.

"I can wait," he assured me as I yawned, making him chuckle. He took my hand and led me back to the bed, both of us climbing in. I pressed my back against his chest and he wrapped his arms around me as I fell into a peaceful sleep.

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