Chapter Twenty Eight

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The Zoo was packed with people, not quite as bad as Victoria Markets, but more than Luna Park. Once we got to the front of the line, we paid the $126.40 entry and walked in, taking a map as we went.

"Where should we go first?" I asked, looking at all the animals we could see.

"Let's just go in a circle, so we don't miss anything," Caellum suggested.

"Okay," we agreed and walked to the left, first encountering the gorillas. They were just walking around, not really doing anything. That is, until one of them looked over at us. He started moving around a bit, always looking at us.

"What is he?" Av started, but then the gorilla charged at the glass and ran into it. We all exclaimed in surprise, jumping away from the glass, as the gorilla backed up and eyed us down.

"Let's just get out of here," Oswell urged and we all hurried away from the gorilla enclosure.

"That was weird," Av muttered.

"I think Oswell and I threatened him," Caellum boasted, knocking Oswell's shoulder while Av and I rolled our eyes smiling.

"You're not that impressive," Av argued, lightly punching his shoulder and he smiled at her.

"You know I am," he countered and smiled wider. There was definitely something going on between them, maybe acting like a couple has turned into something else.

"What are you think about?" Oswell whispered in my ear, coming to stand beside me.

"That I think Caellum and Av might actually be dating or have taken on the role of a couple too seriously," I revealed and he smiled.

"So you too?" he asked and I smiled.

"Only time will tell," I sighed. "And a gossip session," I added and he rolled his eyes.

"Whatever," he drawled.

"Come on love birds, let's keep moving," I called back to Av and Caellum, who hurried to catch up with us, cheeks a little red.

After walking around the whole zoo, my favourite enclosure was definitely the amazon aviary, because of the rainbow parrot that landed on my shoulder and didn't leave until we were leaving the aviary.

"My favourite was the seals," Av sighed, still remembering how one had swum up to her and she swore it had smiled at her.

"That emu was the best, better than the gorilla," Caellum recalled, starting to laugh again. As we had been walking through the emu area, the older male in front of us had a sandwich and an emu decided it wanted the sandwich. We had all laughed immensely when the man and the emu had fought over it, the emu eventually winning.

"I liked the snakes the most," Oswell added and I smiled.

"You were drooling over them," I reminded him and he sighed as we walked out of the exit.

"We have to take a picture," Av exclaimed and we all sighed but made our way to the front of the zoo, so the entrance would be behind us. We took the pic, then walked to the car and got in.

"Back to the hotel," I mumbled, looking out the window. Oswell took my hand, sending shivers down my arm and I smiled. We got back to the hotel and I put my wig on, securing it. We then got back in the car to go to this dude's house. There was silence for a while, until Av turned into the navigator.

"Turn right here. Turn right!" she exclaimed and Oswell quickly let go of my hand and made the turn just in time.

"A little more warning might be nice," he gritted. "Where are we even going anyway?" he questioned.

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