Chapter Six

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When I opened my eyes again, the car was moving and there was a blanket over me. I froze and looked to the front, seeing Oswell driving. Of course I got into his car. He looked in his rear view mirror and saw me awake.
"You're awake, finally," he greeted.
"How did you know I was here?" I questioned.
"Your phone started ringing, when Caellum tried calling you. Scared the hell out of me," he answered.
"Does he know?" I asked.
"No, he'd already started driving back to the house when I got in. I've just been driving around, pretending to look for you," he revealed.
"Ugh he can be so annoying," I sighed, sitting up and putting a seatbelt on.
"He had no right to command you like that," Oswell agreed. "But he's just concerned for you," he added.
"I don't like him like that. He's more of a brother or a friend," I admitted.
"Really?" Oswell replied, a hopeful tone in his voice.
"Yes, but that doesn't mean I'm just going to let you in," I told him.
"I understand that. It just means I have more of a shot," he said and I rolled my eyes, smiling.
"Believe what you want," I stated as he started driving back to the house. Once we were back he parked the car, but he didn't get out.
"You know he's going to be pissed with you," he reminded me.
"I know. I'm just going to have to explain our situation," I said, opening the door and getting out. We walked inside and I went to go to my room, but thought of something and stopped.
"What is it?" Oswell asked.
"Can you give me a list of other drivers with pictures?" I requested.
"Sure," he agreed. We were walking toward our rooms, when the whole house shook.
"WHO ATE MY CHICKEN??!!" a voice boomed.
"Oh shit," I muttered.
"I take it was you who ate Rikard's chicken?" Oswell suspected.
"Yeah, but I didn't realize it was his!" I replied. I could hear his footsteps smashing up the stairs so we looked at each other, then ran to my room, which was only the next door along. I closed the door just as I heard him start stomping down the hallway.
"That was close," Oswell whispered.
"Yep," I replied, leaning against the door.
"WHO DID IT??!!" Rikard demanded and I felt the walls vibrate.
"It might have been one of the new initiates," I heard someone else suggest.
"ALL NEW INITIATES, MEETING NOW!!" Rikard demanded, making the house shake again.
"That's you," Oswell reminded me.
"I know that," I hissed. I waited until I couldn't hear Rikard's footsteps anymore, then opened the door. I walked out and was surprised to find Oswell was following me. I gave him a questioning look and he smiled at me.
"I joined 8 months ago. I'm still technically an initiate until I reach a year of being in the group," he explained and I nodded. We headed down to the Cavern and lined up with the 10 other initiates. I couldn't help but notice Caellum was here too.
"Someone has helped themselves to my roast chicken. Who did it?" Rikard demanded, a little quieter than before. Nobody came forward and I wasn't about to admit it was me.
"It was me," a voice a couple people down from me lied and my eyes widened. Why the hell was Caellum taking the blame? Did he know I did it and was protecting me from something? I looked over at him and he was looking at Rikard with a determined expression.
"Why?" Rikard inquired.
"I didn't realize it was yours," Caellum replied.
"How?! There was a sticky note!" Rikard stated.
"I didn't see one," Caellum argued and Rikard spun around to the other guy.
"You forgot to put a sticky note on it?!" Rikard shouted.
"I might of," the man whimpered and Rikard snarled at him, then turned us.
"You're dismissed," he told us and most of them ran off. Caellum approached me, smiling, as I mentally prepared myself for what I had to do.
"How did you know?" I questioned.
"You're the newest initiative. You would be the most likely," he answered and I nodded.
"Look, we need to talk about what happened earlier," I told him, then looked around. "But not here," I added, not wanting people to see this.
"Sure," he agreed, leading me towards the exit to the Cavern. Oswell was standing near the entrance and when I passed, he brushed his hands against mine. I felt a shiver go up my arm and wished he didn't have this effect on me. Caellum and I made our way upstairs and into his room. I stood near the door while he sat on his bed.
"You had no right to treat me like that. I don't care if you were concerned or not, I'm not a child," I stated and he nodded.
"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you," he answered.
"Or were you worried about Oswell being there?" I argued and he sighed.
"He's not the kind of guy you want to get involved with and he keeps finding ways to be around you. I know he may look good on the outside, but he's not so good on the inside," he warned me.
"How well do you know him then?" I countered.
"I know enough about him," he answered.
"Everyone seems to think there's actually something going on between us," I commented, slowly moving towards what I really needed to say.
"Oh yeah. Don't worry about them," he shrugged, but I knew he didn't want to admit it.
"Do you like me?" I questioned and he stood up.
"Well, I've only know you a day," he started.
"Then why so concerned about me getting to close to Oswell?" I interrupted.
"Because I'm just looking out for you, seeing as you're new," he stated, moving towards me.
"As I said, I'm not a child. Thanks for looking out for me, but I can make my own choices," I hissed, then opened the door, storming out.
"Malise wait!" Caellum called. I made my way to my room, but was stopped by people running down the hallway, towards the stairs. I decided to see where they were going and they led me to the Cavern.
"What's going on?" I asked someone as we all spread out.
"It's Aziz's birthday," they told me. I just nodded and walked away, having no clue who that person was. Soon, an Indian guy walked down the stairs and everyone cheered. A cupcake was brought down after him and set on the table, next to the sound system. Everyone started singing 'Happy Birthday', so I joined in as not to seem rude. Aziz blew out the candle and everyone clapped. A secret door was opened and alcohol was passed around.
"Want some?" a woman asked, but in a way that told me she really didn't care.
"No," I answered and she shrugged, walking off. I didn't feel like partying tonight, after what had happened, so I started to make my way towards the stairs.
"Malise!" a voice exclaimed and I turned to see Avyanna making her way towards me.
"Hey Avyanna," I greeted. "Sorry about earlier, with the police and your job," I added and she smiled.
"It's all good. Forgive and forget," she replied, then saw the direction I was going. "You leaving already? But the night's young!" she said.

"I don't really feellike it tonight. Some stuff's happened and I kind of just want to be alone," Iadmitted and she nodded.
"Okay. Come down if you feel more up to it," she suggested, then walked backinto the crowd. I shook my head and continued to the stairs, quickly making myway up.

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