Chapter Twenty Nine

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We didn't leave till late, but we would've probably stayed later if someone hadn't tried to start a fight with Caellum, getting both of them, plus us thrown out. The boys weren't too drunk, thankfully, and we all made our way back to the car, heading off.

"Are we there yet?" Caellum called from the back after a while.

"We're getting closer," I yawned, tired.

"You should get some sleep," Av suggested.

"I'll sleep when we get there," I argued and she didn't push it. It didn't take too long to get to the new hotel, which was in a slightly more populated suburb than the one in Bondi. Av went to organize the rooms, while I grabbed all our stuff, dragging tweedle dum and tweedle dee behind me. Av took Caellum's hand and their stuff, then led him to their room. I wondered if they had single beds or one big one. I dragged Oswell up to our room, unlocked it and walked in. The rooms were more of apartments than just rooms.

"Nice," Oswell commented. He was less drunk than Caellum, but still somewhat.

"Come on, let's get to bed," I sighed, letting go of his hand and walking to the bedroom. Just as I suspected, one bed. I dumped our stuff on the floor, grabbed my pj's and went into the bathroom to get changed. When I came out, Oswell was standing in the room, with his shirt stuck around his head. I smiled while rolling my eyes and walked up to him.

"Malise, is that you?" he questioned.

"Yeah it's me. Need a little help?" I replied.

"Yes please," he mumbled and I smiled more. I grabbed the hem of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He smiled down at me, then leaned in and kissed me lightly. I kissed him back before moving toward the bed.

"Go get changed," I instructed lightly and he grabbed his stuff. Once he was in the bathroom, I pulled off my wig and put it away, grabbed my phone charger and plugged it in. Climbing into bed, I closed my eyes and let darkness take me. But then the bed dipped and Oswell pressed against me, kissing my neck. "Not now. I'm tired," I groaned, trying to push him away.

"Sorry," he apologized and I sighed, turning to face him.

"It's really late and today's been a big day," I explained and he nodded, looking into my eyes with his blue ones.

"Okay," he agreed. I leaned up and kissed him lightly and he kissed back, not attempting to make it more intense. I pulled away and moved my head into the crook of his neck, pressing up against him.
"Goodnight Oswell," I whispered, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight Malise," he replied and I smiled as his arms tightened slightly around me.

I woke up to Oswell groaning, his arm not around me anymore.

"Hangover?" I questioned, keeping my eyes closed.

"Yep. Only a small one thank god," he mumbled. I sighed and opened my eyes, before quickly closing them against the light.

"Why are the curtains open?" I demanded.

"I think they were open when we came in last night," he sighed. I grumbled and I opened my eyes, looking around the room. The light was pouring in from the curtains, but it was a late light. I looked at my phone and saw I was right.

"It's three in the afternoon," I stated, getting out of bed and closing the curtains.

"I can't go hunting like this," he complained.

"Well, with both you and Caellum out of order, I don't think we will be going tonight," I assured him and I swear I saw a smile.

"So we'll have to stay in?" he smirked and I rolled my eyes.

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