Chapter Seven

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Once I was in my room, I closed and locked the door, making my way over to the balcony. It was my favorite place to think and just relax. I looked back into my room and decided I needed to make this room mine. I walked back in, grabbed my phone and made a list of everything I wanted. I could talk to Avyanna tomorrow about somehow getting all of it. I looked towards the door and for once, actually wanted to be around people. This people understood me, so I wanted to be one of them, not lock myself in my room like I used to. I changed into a black puffy strapless cocktail dress, along with a pair of black ballet flats. I knew I didn't have to dress up, but I wanted to make an impression. Not like I already hadn't. I opened the door and Caellum was standing there, his hand raised about to knock.
"Hi," I said, shocked.
"Hey," he replied, equally as shocked. I shook it off and crossed my arms, letting him know I was still mad. "Can I come in?" he added and I stepped aside to let him in. He moved to the bed, while I stayed at the door.
"Why are you here?" I questioned, leaning on the door.
"I've thought about what you said. About if I like you," Caellum started and I stopped breathing. This was not the plan.
"And?" I whispered. He slowly moved towards me, like I was a dangerous animal. Which I technically was.
"I think I am starting to like you," he told me and I silently cursed.
"Caellum," I sighed, realizing I was going to have to break his heart and lose someone. This was not what I'd imagined when I'd joined The Dark.
"It's okay," he stated and I looked at him curiously. He knew I didn't love him back. "I understand you may need to sort your feelings out. I don't expect an answer now," he assured me, still moving towards me.
"It's not that. It's," I tried again, but now he was right in front of me. I had a feeling that this was not going to end well.
"Just, let me tell you how I feel before anything else," he requested and I nodded. But I didn't expect what happened next. He leaned down and kissed me, right on the lips. I was surprised at first, so I didn't do anything. But once I processed what was going on, I quickly pushed Caellum away and wiped my hands over my lips, getting rid of the kiss.
"What the hell jerkwad?" I exclaimed, glaring at him.
"I," he began but I'd had enough.
"I don't like you, okay? You're more like a brother, or friend. Nothing more," I revealed and he looked at me with shock filled eyes.
"You don't like me?" he repeated and I nodded. He looked at the ground like he was still thinking about it, then rapidly walked over to the door and slammed it open, not caring I was standing right against it. I fell hard onto the wall and before I could turn around, the door was closed with another slam. I stood in silence for a moment, processing what the hell just happened. He was mad with me, that was obvious. Did he think I'd been leading him on? I could feel where I'd hit the wall in my arm and hip and where the door had hit me on my other arm and hip, so I knew I'd have bruises tomorrow. I still wanted to go down to the party though, which was still in full swing from the vibrations in the floor. I opened the door and walked towards the bathroom. I felt a shiver go through my body, meaning Oswell was near.
"Are you okay? I heard slamming doors," he commented and I stopped, turning around.
"Caellum didn't take my rejection too well," I explained.
"But I thought," he started as we arrived at the bathroom.
"No, I didn't tell him before. He was being too controlling and annoying, so my anger the best of me," I told him and he nodded. I opened the door and looked at myself in the mirror. My outfit looked good, but I could see the starting of a bruise on my arm already. "Crap, I didn't think he did it that hard," I muttered, bringing the full bruise into light.
"What did you say?" Oswell asked, but then he saw the bruise. "How the hell did you get that?" he demanded.
"Caellum kissed me, I pushed him off and told him I didn't love him, he got up and slammed the door open while I was leaning on it, throwing me against the wall," I recalled. I looked at Oswell in the mirror and his fists were clench, his jaw tense and a murderous look in his eyes. He moved to walk down the hall, but I ran in front of him and blocked his path.
"Let me through," he snarled.
"No. Calm down," I stated.
"He has to pay," Oswell argued.
"If you hurt or kill him, it's not going to solve anything. Think about the complications that would come if you did it," I told him.
"I don't care. He hurt you," Oswell growled. I knew there was almost no way to deter him from this, but then I got an idea.
"Before you do, can I have one dance?" I requested and he looked down at me with a curious look. "Please," I added and he smiled. I silently breathed a sigh of relief.
"Sure. But we'd better go before the party dies down too much," he agreed. I grabbed his hand and dragged him down to the Cavern. Like I'd thought, the party was still going, everyone was still dancing and drinking. Oswell, still holding my hand, dragged me over to the guy controlling the sound system. Oswell whispered something in his ear and the guy nodded, smiling at both of us.
"What was that about?" I asked over all the noise.
"You'll see," Oswell assured, as he led us into the middle of the party. The current song, "Animals" by Maroon 5 finished and "Lights" started playing.
"You asked him to play this song!" I exclaimed as we started dancing.
"It's the song I first danced with you to. It's special," he replied and I blushed. We danced to the song and I couldn't help enjoy myself. The song ended and both Oswell and I were smiling.
"I need to rest," I breathed. I'd never realized dancing was exhausting. He nodded, grabbed my hand and led me to the edge of the Cavern, where there were only a few random people.
"Does this mean you're letting me in?" Oswell inquired and I looked up at him.
"I've only been here for about 24 hours, and I've had two guys fighting over me, one of which I had to reject," I stated. "I'm so confused at this point," I told him.
"I understand that. I don't mean to try and push myself on you, but we both know we have something," he assured me.
"Give me more time and I'll have it all figured out," I promised and he nodded, smiling. It looked like he was about to say something else, when someone called his name from somewhere in the crowd. We both looked around and I saw a beautiful woman waving her arms in our direction.
"Chandra? Hey!" Oswell replied, smiling more widely than I'd ever seen him do. I felt a little jealous, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. She made her way over, then ran and hugged him.
"It feels like it's been forever," she exclaimed and Oswell laughed.
"It's only been three days," he argued and she giggled. Then she saw me and stopped hugging him, facing me.
"Who's this?" she questioned and I could see her judging me with her eyes.
"Chandra, this is Malise. She joined last night. Malise, this is Chandra. We joined on the same night," he introduced. I nodded in acknowledgement and she did the same, but then quickly turned to Oswell.
"I have so much to tell," she said and he nodded. But then he looked at me and his smile dropped.
"It's okay. Go be with your friend," I encouraged, but he looked so torn.
"You sure?" he questioned.
"I'll be fine," I assured. He nodded and turned to Chandra who was beaming ear to ear. They walked off, but I couldn't shake the feeling something was wrong. I followed them a few meters away until they entered Oswell's room. One of them closed the door, so I crept up and looked through the crack in the door.
"I killed ten people while I was away. That has to be a record," Chandra boasted.
"Yeah yeah. You deserve a medal and a statue in your honor," Oswell joked sarcastically.
"I do. I'm amazing," Chandra laughed, falling on the bed next to where Oswell was sitting.
"You are not that amazing," Oswell answered.
"I'm not?" she gasped, sitting up. "Then who is?" she questioned, crossing her arms.
"I'm kidding. You are amazing, just not that much so," he explained, putting his hands up in defense. She smiled, then leaned forward and kissed him on the lips. I gasped and waited for him to pull away. But he didn't. I moved away from the door, tears forming in my eyes. Caellum was right, Oswell was trouble and I never should've let myself get so involved. I was right the first time; he's just playing with my emotions. I blinked my tears away, because he didn't deserve them and quickly made my way to my room. I changed out of my dress and flats and into my PJ's, climbing into bed. I promised myself then and there that I wouldn't let myself fall in love ever again.

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