Chapter Twenty Four

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Later that night, we were all finished. All Amy had to do was call the moving people to come and grab the furniture and we would be all good. I made my way up to my room and crawled onto the mattress, because all the bed covers were packed away, except for the ones on Amy's bed. I huddled up into a ball and sighed, wishing I was back in my room at the Mansion. It was so perfect, so me. And it felt more like home than anywhere else. The hours seemed to roll by and I couldn't sleep, even though I was so tired. It was because Oswell wasn't here, stupid connection or whatever it was. I turned over and faced the window, the moon streaming in. Sitting up against the wall, I looked out the window. It looked so beautiful at night, one of the reasons I loved the darkness. I heard vibrating, so I looked around and saw it was the phone I'd left in the room. I grabbed it and answered it.

"Who is this?" I demanded. It was late, a normal person wouldn't be up now.

"Oswell," he answered and I stopped breathing.

"Can't sleep?" I wondered.

"No, you?" he replied.

"Nope," I sighed, leaning against the ledge again. "How's the plan going?" I questioned.

"Good. Pietro finally saw Avyanna, and he was almost on his knees begging her to take him back. But then when Caellum stepped in, telling him they were together, well, I've never seen such a crushed man," Oswell recalled and I giggled.

"We'll do the final step tomorrow night," I instructed.

"So all preparation to be done tomorrow?" he clarified.

"No, let's do it a week afterwards. Yes, tomorrow," I replied and he chuckled.

"Okay," he sighed. "I'll let the other know," he promised.

"Oh, could one of you meet me at the east exit of the mall, with a hoodie or my hat?" I requested.

"I'll meet you," he told me.

"Alright," I allowed. "I'd better go. None of us slept last night, so I'm really tired now," I added.

"Yeah, okay. See you tomorrow," he ended.

"See ya," I whispered as he hung up. I put the phone down as I lay down, hoping sleep would come soon.

"Get up, you ungrateful brat." I opened my eyes and saw Amy standing over me, her arms crossed.

"Good morning to you too," I grumbled, getting up.

"The moving truck just got here. Come help," she commanded and I walked out to find the house in a flurry of people. I helped where I could, but mostly just stayed out of people's way. Police officers came in almost halfway through the whole thing and approached me.

"You moving?" one asked.

"Yeah. You can just go back to the station," I replied and they nodded, seemingly eager to leave. The packing continued until the car and truck were stuffed. Once done, Amy gave the truck the new address, which was in Melbourne, then got it and we started driving. I secretly wrote down her address on a scrap piece of paper and a pen I found lying on the floor. We arrived at the exit quickly and she pretty much kicked me out.

"Good luck," she wished, before flying off towards her new life. I scoffed in her direction and looked around. Someone opened their car door nearby and got out, revealing Oswell. I smiled and ran over to him, leaping on him. He hugged me back, tightly.

"Hey," I greeted, smiling.

"Hello," he replied. I pulled back and he was smiling too. He let go, grabbed something out of the car and handed it to me. It was my black slip on hoodie. I pulled it on and we jumped in the car.

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