Chapter Thirty Two

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Once we reached our hallway, we parted ways and headed to our respective rooms.

"Where is Lucien going to sleep?" Oswell questioned as we walked into our room.

"In bed with us, until we can get a cot back at the Mansion," I answered and he groaned. I thought again of my plan and how I was still going through with it. But now with Lucien.

"Fine," he mumbled, heading to the bathroom. I quickly changed into my pj's and waited for Oswell to finish in the bathroom. Once he was done, I moved past him and closed the door. Lucien felt a little heavier and I didn't need to be an expert to know what that meant. I undressed him and changed his nappy, which stunk, but it had to be done. Then I wiped away any excess and changed him into a fresh, clean nappy before redressing him. I came out of the bathroom and found Oswell already in bed, on his phone, waiting. I put the old nappy in the bin, then moved back to the bedroom where I lay Lucien next to Oswell.

"I'll be right back," I promised when I saw his unsure face. I grabbed an overnighter and went into the bathroom, doing what needed to be done. Moving to the kitchen and throwing out my waste, I got a glass of water, two pills and drained them.

"Malise, he looks like he's about to cry!" Oswell called and I moved back to the bedroom, where Lucien did look like he was about to bawl his eyes out. I quickly rushed over to him and picked him up, holding him on my hip. Oswell had positioned himself as far away from where Lucien had been.

"Hey, it's okay now. I'm back now," I cooed and he almost instantly returned to his usual smiling, giggling and gurgling routine. I quickly turned all the lights off in the apartment and returned to the bed, getting in.

"Goodnight Malise," Oswell sighed, wrapping his arm around my waist and drawing me into him.

"Goodnight Oswell," I replied, smiling. "Goodnight Lucien," I whispered and was rewarded with a gurgle. I stayed awake, slowing my breathing down so that it sounded like I was falling asleep. It didn't take long for Oswell to fall asleep, so I quietly and slowly slid out from under his arm and cradled Lucien in my arms. Either he was fully asleep, or he almost knew not to make a sound, cause Lucien kept completely quite. I silently made my way to the door and opened it without a sound, slipping into the corridor. Quickly making my way to Av's room, where the door was slightly open, as per plan, I slipped in and closed the door.

"Okay, let me actually look at the baby," Av requested, keeping her voice low. I past Lucien to her and she cradled him, looking down at him. "He's so cute," she squealed quietly and I smiled. I saw his eyes flutter and I knew we could have another almost situation, like the one with Oswell. I quickly but careful took him back from Av and saw him looking up at me, though it didn't seem like he was about to cry.

"I don't think he likes being too far from me. He was so close to bawling his eyes out when I left the room for 2 minutes," I explained and she nodded.

"Well, I've laid out some blankets that I found on the couch. So hopefully this works," she explained and I nodded, smiling. Oswell would be in for a shock when he woke up. Av went back into the bedroom while I made my way to the couch, lying down with Lucien snuggled against me. I stayed awake for a little while longer, but finally exhaustion overtook me and I fell asleep.

When I woke up, Caellum was standing over me, smirking like he'd just told the world's funniest joke.
"So, this is getting back for his joke yesterday?" he guessed and I nodded, stretching my arms. I felt the little bundle beside me and looked down to see Lucien still asleep.

"He's so cute," I sighed happily, sitting up while moving him into my arms.

"Oswell's called both Av and I, and because I wasn't in on this, I almost told him you were here," he revealed and I looked up with pleading eyes.

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