Chapter Thirty Five

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Oswell and I did some research while we waited for it to get late and the party to start. I would stay up here and pretend to look after Lucien, then once I could hear the party in full swing, I would message Oswell, we would sneak into his office and check the files. The news had spread that it was Rikard's party tonight and that it was at six, or starting at six. The time flew while Oswell and I made sure Lucien was up to date with all his milestones pretty much ad what we should be doing and expecting from him. We even searched his name and found it meant 'Bright, light', which didn't suit him at all.

"We should change his name," Oswell suggested.

"If we change it now, give him one with a meaning more suited to him, he'll pretty much be stuck with that the rest of the time he's here. We should let him pick his own name when he joins, so he gets to make the choice," I argued and he nodded, agreeing. I looked at the time and saw it was five, meaning I should probably feed Lucien. He was on the floor at the moment, crawling around and exploring. I got off the bed and picked him up, heading out the door.

"Where are you going?" Oswell called.

"Feed Lucien," I replied, heading down the stairs. In the freezer, I found some frozen peas and corn and decided to cook them up for Lucien. Pouring some into a pot and adding water, I put it on the stove to cook. Conner came in and stopped when he saw me, Lucien pressed into my hip.

"Hi," he greeted hesitantly.

"Hey," I replied, continuing to watch the food on the stove.

"Is it safe to have him so close to the stove?" Conner questioned and I looked at Lucien who was also looking into the pot and watching the bubbles come up.

"Not really, but until I get the high chair, I don't have much option," I shrugged and he nodded, turning to the fridge and looking inside. "You actually looking for something, or just bored?" I commented and he looked back at me.

"I'm checking no one messed with the cake," he explained and I peered in, seeing a two-layered cake.

"Nice," I remarked. I quickly looked back to the stove and saw the water was bubbling, so I turned off the heat and grabbed the colander.

"Here," Conner offered, moving in a little to take over from me.

"Thanks," I sighed. He tipped out the contents of the pot before pouring the pieces of pea and corn into the bowl I had on the side. He then handed it to me with the baby spoon in it. I smiled at him and headed towards the stairs.

"Are you coming to the party?" he questioned and I smiled, before wiping it off my face and turning around.
"I've got to look after Lucien. Tell Rikard I said happy birthday though," I replied and he nodded before I continued up the stairs and back into my room. Oswell was all dressed up in his jeans and a dark t-shirt. Damn he looked good.

"Peas and corn? Sounds good," Oswell remarked, stealing a piece of corn.

"This is for Lucien. You get to have cake," I argued and he smiled.

"If I stick around for it," he countered and I smiled too.

"I'm sure they're be some left," I lied. I knew it was going to be a first in, first served with a cake that size among this many people.

"We'll see," he replied. I leaned up and kissed him lightly, fully conscience of Lucien against my hip. Oswell pulled away, took the bowl and put it on the bedside table. He then took Lucien and placed him on the floor, before grabbing me around the waist and pulling me against him, kissing me intensely. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he pressed me closer. I eventually had to pull away for air , but I just looked at him.

"You ready for tonight?" I questioned.

"I am. Are you? You're the one who's going to be taking something from this," he answered.

"I need to know," I sighed. I kissed him lightly again before pulling away and moving out of his arms. Footsteps could be hear making their way down the hall, meaning it was party time.

"Time for me to go," Oswell commented and I nodded.

"See you soon," I replied. He walked past me, brushing his hand against mine. I felt the shivers in my hand and rolled my eyes while smiling. Picking Lucien off the ground as the door closed, I grabbed the bowl and started feeding him.

It didn't take long for the music to thrum through the whole house. I waited an extra half an hour before messaging Oswell. Quickly grabbing the baby carrier and strapping Lucien in, I headed down stairs quietly, just to be safe. Oswell came out of the entryway to the Cavern as I stepped off the stairs. I smiled at him and he returned it. We quickly made our way to Rikard's office and I twisted the knob, not surprised to find it locked. Grabbing out my trusty bobby pins, I kneeled in front of the door and picked the lock. When it popped open, I got up and we walked in, closing the door behind us. Heading straight over to there the filing cabinets were, we stopped in front of the two sets of cabinets.

"You take the left and I'll take the right?" I suggested and he nodded. I quickly picked the locks of the first two draws and we began searching. As I had assumed, they were records of people who had been or were in the Dark. I found Av's file and curiosity got the better of me.

"Wow," I mumbled, looking at her file.

"You found it already?" Oswell questioned.

"No, but I found Av's," I replied and he came around, looking over my shoulder.

"Wow is right. I would never have guessed her real name was Monique," Oswell stated and I smiled. I would never have pegged Av as a Monique. I quickly put her file back and we kept searching. I quickly unlocked the second draws and we kept going.

"Caellum used to be Stan," Oswell informed me and I laughed. Now that I could never imagine that, Caellum suited him too well.

"Oh my god," I sighed, holding my sides. Oswell put the file away and we continued in silence for a while.

"Found my own," Oswell commented and I smiled.

"I don't need that, I already know your real name," I joked and he sighed.

"And I know yours too, so don't feel too special," he countered and I smiled. We went through the third draw with nothing and it was when we moved to the final draw that we found it.

"I found me," I stated, knowing if I found me, my dad would be close. Oswell came over and we pulled out the other Roberts. On the side, it read 'Kyran Roberts'. I could feel my hands shaking a little, because I was nervous. I needed to know, but that didn't mean that I was scared that we would hit a dead end or find something I didn't want to know. Oswell took it from me, seeing I wouldn't be able to open it and after taking a big breath, flung it open. I stared at the name, the picture, the face. Trying to understand why I'd never figured it out before. It all made sense now, everything.

"Malise," Oswellstarted. But he didn't know what to say, neither of us did. Kyran Roberts . . .was Rikard.    

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