Chapter Thirty One

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There were many boxes in the front room with a few things unpacked. I let my eyes adjust before I made my through the rooms, silently checking in rooms. I soon found someone, so I entered and looked around. It was girly, childish, nothing like Amy at all. What was going on? I moved over to the bed and looked at the person in the bed. They were too short to be Amy. This was a child. I looked at them more closely, but couldn't figure anything out in the dark. I quickly slit their throat and left the room, still confused. I continued my search and soon found a couple. One was Amy's, knowing after years of living with her. The others was a male's, from the heavier breaths. Why was Amy living with this male and his obvious daughter? Had they met online and she'd finally decided to move in with him? I moved over to the male and sliced him, before quickly making my way over to Amy. Pressing my knife into her throat, not enough to kill but instead make a small cut, I woke her up.

"What?" she groaned before feeling the knife on her throat.

"Where you dating someone online? Is that who the man is?" I questioned.

"Maisie?" she squeaked.

"Answer," I snarled.

"Yes. He told me I could move in with him and his two children, be their mother," she rushed. I heard shuffling near the male, probably her trying to wake him and alert him.

"That's useless," I informed her and she gasped.

"You. . .?" she trailed off, but I knew her question.

"Yes, I did. You were right to fear me. But you had no right to treat me like shit. So now, I get my revenge," I stated, before sliding the knife along her neck. She exclaimed quietly and gurgled a little, before all sounds went silent. I breathed a sigh of relief, knowing Amy lived no more. Then I went in search of this other child, hoping it wasn't a baby. I soon found their room and entered quietly, hoping not to wake them. But I soon heard a baby's giggle and I silently cursed. I moved over to the crib and looked down on the infant. They were young, a year old. And they were very much awake, gurgling and giggling.

"Hey," I whispered to them and they stopped, probably looking at me. I moved over to the door, felt around for the switch and turned on the light. I then walked back to the crib and actually saw the baby for the first time. It was dressed in a dark blue, fluffy onesie, plump and very babyish. It took one look at me and smiled, like it felt safe with me. I also felt a slight connection with this child. I had a theory and I only knew one way to test it. I showed the baby my knife, covered in it's father's and sibling's blood. It stared at it in fascination, before trying to reach for it. I turned the knife so the baby wouldn't cut itself and lowered it so it could touch the blade. It moved fingers over the blood before looking at it's fingers in amazement. That confirmed it for me, this baby was like me, Oswell, Av and Caellum. It liked the dark and all the things that usually occupied that. I put my knife away and picked up the baby. It smiled at me and I smiled back. I checked the room for money but there wasn't any. I grabbed anything I felt I would need for the baby and put it into a big bag I found. Putting the strap over my left shoulder, I moved to the door and turned off the light, heading for the rest of the house.

Once I'd collect all the money I could find, a mere $100, I messaged Oswell.

"I'm done here. Take your time" I knew it was going to be stressful for him tonight, having to drive three people. I got the ping and looked at my phone.

"Okay, on my way." I smiled and looked at the baby, who I still didn't know the name of.

"Oh, and I found a new recruit." I felt like that was the best way to lead into this.

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