Chapter 10- Who is Family?

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I never expected for my life to get as confusing as it was.

People had died and come together because of me. I still didn't understand what the point of all of this was. What was the point of the revenge? It's not possible to bring the dead back to life, besides Merrick, that was an exception.

Keegan was dead and so were many others. It didn't make it okay for everyone to turn against each other and try to convince others that the opposing was the enemy. We're all enemies of ourselves. We all blame others for the well-being of ourselves. The truth is, the only way to see past the blame and hate is to rid of it. Seems impossible, well it is, but there are tricks.

That's why I sat on a log looking to the rolling surf of an ocean.

"Didn't expect I'd find you here," a voice whispered, pulling me from my thoughts.

I didn't have to turn to know who it was. "I didn't either."

The faint figure sat on the log next to me. "Why are you here?"

"I'm trying to sort out my thoughts," I admitted. "I want to make sense of everything and try to prevent the war from breaking out again."

"You and I both know a war has already started and will always be going," the ghost next to me snapped. "I mean, what are you doing here? You have much more important things to do."

"Like what?" I hissed.

"Alec needs to know who his mother is," the ghost pointed out. "He also needs to be stopped from killing off your mother. I also think you need to try to make amends with the others. Shall I go on?"

"I get your point," I shook my head and looked down. "You think I'm the glue to the pin of the grenade. If I don't try to catch the grenade being thrown between the two sides and glue the pin, everything is going to fall apart."

"A different way of seeing it," the ghost shrugged. "You're the protector, Hailey. For both sides, you are the one to save them. I challenge you to see which side is which and save the right one."

"That's impossible," I shook my head. "It's between family and the Ghosts. How can I choose over one?"

"Think about your sides," the ghost narrowed his eyes. "Are they really what you say they are?"

"Why am I even talking to you?" I growled. "Go away, Elias."

"I can't. I'm in your head," Elias pointed out. "So are Keegan and Rorke. The dead are trapped in your head until you release them."

"Well, disappear until I want you to talk to me," I ordered.

The blonde hair and blue eyes that appeared after Elias disappeared made me jump in surprise. I scooted away from the Ghost staring at me with narrowed eyes.

"Logan," I crossed my arms.

"Surprised you haven't blown me across the beach yet," Logan smirked.

"I'm not in the mood," I glanced to him. "Don't put me in one."

"I'm just here to talk," Logan put his hands up in defense and sat next to me. "Look, Alec is planning an attack on Allene."

"I know," I sighed. "And I can't stop it either."

"Are you sure about that?" Logan made me look at him.

"Why would you want me to?"

Logan smirked and chuckled. "You don't think I know?"

"Know what?" I demanded.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now