Chapter 15- Intertwined Histories

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It was soft and gentle, keeping steady with my heartbeat. Even inside, I felt safe. Jason was more than happy, he was almost tearing up.

"Well done, Hailey!"

I breathed out and allowed my hands to drop. The force field around us made a swishing sound and then disappeared. I'd done it! I had gained the ability to enlarge Force further than my body.

"These past three days have really payed off," Jason commented, picking up the cones we used as target marks.

Over the past weeks with Jason, I'd learned so much. First I'd mastered my Water power, then the Heal and Death ones. We'd touched on Flame, but I used it enough to get the just of lighting only particular areas aflame. Earth magic had come the most natural to me and Jason stated that was because I was so aware of everything; Alec had mentioned that before. Shock came to me with ease as well, as there wasn't a lot to it. The only other problem power was Bend, which was the ability to bend the sunlight like a mirror; that had taken practice.

"I agree," I smiled.

"Your abilities have improved all around," Jason walked to me.

"Jason?" I asked as we started walking back through the forest. "What's the point of all of this?"

Jason was quiet for a long time, thinking. "I'm helping you for whatever is to come."

"What is that?"

"Have you forgotten of your problems?" Jason almost argued. "You still have to do something about either Ivana or Alec. You have to find your place in the world."

I frowned because he was completely right.

"I haven't told you of my ties to your family have I?" Jason made me stop and look at him, making him chuckle.


"Ever wondered how your mother has gotten so powerful or how Alec discovered his true powers? That was a lot of my training," Jason made me narrow my eyes. "Of course, I didn't really train Alec, but Ivana informed Rorke of what to do to train him without exposing herself."

"Why didn't she expose herself?" I wondered.

"She was waiting for you," Jason admitted. "She was going to use you and Alec to create a triangle of powers which would be used to transform Rorke into someone with powers. Ivana still wants her family to be the most powerful thing on Earth."

"But I thought Ghosts were my," I paused, "family."

"That's where it gets complicated. Technically, Rorke was a Ghost and you were born shortly before he betrayed them. So, truly it's up to you to decide which you are," Jason pointed out.

"Why do I feel so different around Ivana and Alec?" I asked.

"Not only do your powers connect to them, but they also reject them. Your powers are much more different than Ivana's. Alec is his own type of power-wielding human. Have you noticed how those two can shape-shift and you can't? How about their quick ability to see things before they happen? This runs deeply between your family."

"So I'm not really their daughter in a way?"

"You are, but since you've been with Ghosts, you've been shaped in a slightly different way. That is, to see your powers as something light, rather than dark."

There was a silence between us as we continued to walk back towards Jason's home. I had so many thoughts pulsing through my head.

"So you trained my mother?" I broke the silence.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now