Chapter 33- Think

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My arms shook as I set the limp body down. 

His eyes were still open, lifeless and glossy from tears that hadn't yet fallen. My shaky and bloody fingers moved up his face to gently close those eyes. 


The voice made me lift my head and stare straight past the group to the door. More slowly, I moved my teary eyes to Keegan. His blue gaze was glazed over as well. 

"I-I have to kill him," I stood up. "I need to kill him." 

"Easy," Keegan had stood up, walking forwards as I moved down the stairs. "Don't overthink." 

"Overthink?" I hissed, motioning with a hand towards Jason. "You think that I'm overthinking things? Jason is dead because of that bastard! He deserves to die!" 

"No one deserves to die!" Keegan yelled back. 

Most of the time, I would find myself wanting to cower from Keegan's intimidating height and voice. This time around, however, I found myself standing on my tip-toes and glaring right in to his bright blue gaze. Keegan wasn't exactly backing down either. 

"Hailey, you need think!" Logan stood up. "Would Jason want this?" 

"Don't you dare use that against me!" I moved from Keegan to Logan, tears still consistently falling and drooling from my green orbs. 

"Fighting isn't going to get us anywhere!" Kick stepped up, rubbing his sore shoulder from my outburst of power. 

"Fighting is going to bring this entire thing to an end!" I argued, looking between all of them. "None of you even want this to end, do you?" 

"That's not true!" Merrick even stepped up. "We all want this to end, but realistically."

"My powers are very realistic, trust me," I felt my powers flare inside to my own words. "Want me to show you?" 

Keegan's palm found my abs as he held me back from Merrick. I let out a growl.

"Alec has to pay for what he's done to all of us." 

My gaze crossed Logan who had once suffered from Alec by being under his command. His brother had also been affected by Alec: seeing Logan suffer. Merrick had suffered seeing all of us deal with Alec in our own ways. Kick...he'd suffered killing Ivana to protect Alec and not to think about the pain of going without his best friend Keegan for so long. Keegan...he'd gone through so much, even besides being tortured and pent up by Alec. 

Me? I'd suffered what felt like the most. From seeing Keegan be taken, to causes from battles and, especially, to Dawn's death. My own blood brother had killed my first and only daughter. What kind of "brother" was he, if at all? I couldn't forget about what he'd done to my husband as well. Keeping us apart for so'd been hell. How can one live their life when half of it is missing? 

"He's inflicted a lot," Keegan seemed to think the same things as I. "But going into it like this will cause more of that pain that we've all felt." 

I glared to him as he spoke. 

"Do you remember what we talked about the other day?" 

I narrowed my gaze, my eyebrows coming together in slight confusion. 

"If you do this, Hailey," Keegan clutched both of my arms carefully, staring into my grey-tinted eyes, "you'll risk all of that. No family to start again, no history to make with our children." 

I felt the sting in my eyes dissipate, my orbs returning to a green they always had been. My gaze moved to the Ghosts- Logan, Hesh, Kick, Merrick- and all of them returned my shallow eyes. Slowly, I shook my head. 

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now