Chapter 22- Shield (Unedited)

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Jason's POV:

I rode through the rain on Illusion, getting off once I was allowed in the base. Merrick stood in the rain, his arms crossed, and waited for me.

"I'm Jason," I outstretched my hand for him to shake.

"Merrick," he replied. "Why have you come?"

"I've waited a long time to meet Logan," I spoke, withdrawing my hand.

"Everyone is inside," Merrick turned, motioning me to follow him.

"Where's Alec?" I knew the defensive man would have appeared by now.

"He disappeared after he woke," Merrick knew exactly what I did.

"And he hasn't returned?"

"No," Merrick shut the door behind us and eyed me. "Is that a problem?"

"It is if Hailey and him have collaborated," I spoke.

"Logan and Hesh are talking in there," Merrick looked to a door in front of us. "I'll find Kick."

"Thank you," I dipped my head, tightening the bag hanging at my hip.

As if he had heard his name, Logan was gazing in my direction when I entered the large cafeteria-like room. Hesh stopped talking to turn and look at me. I allowed myself to smile.

"Hi guys."

It took Hesh a moment to remember who I was. Logan perked up, reading Hesh's mind.

"Uncle Jason!"


Alec's POV:

I used the light of the moon to unlock the hidden, rusty door. It creaked open, releasing a disgusting smell mixed of dead things and waste. It was a part of the sewer, but wasn't clean out half as much and no one ever ventured into this part.

Coughing, I tried to get the smell out of my mouth. I covered my nose and mouth with a cloth and continued through the mucky tunnel. My feet splashed up green and brown water, smelling of dead fish. I almost threw up twice.

"Who's there?" a croaky voice asked.

"Alec," I answered.

The hidden cells in front of me held the only important person in my life. I looked at the small figure with interest and stepped into the small amount of light that shined through the degrading ceiling.

I didn't want to be here, I really didn't want to. I forced myself to stay planted to the ground as the figure weakly crawled over, pulling up at the cell bars. I also forced myself to look into broken eyes that often searched mine for any mercy.

"It's been a long time."

"I forgot," I whispered. "Ivana, she brainwashed all of us, including Hailey and Logan. She's dead."

The pair of dark eyes in front of me almost seemed to brighten. "Am I-"

"Free?" I finished. "No. I have unfinished plans."


I smirked and turned, slamming the door shut with my powers. "Like these."


Jason's POV:

"She dug her hooks in me so deep," Logan told his story with Ivana. "It wasn't just mentally, but physically. I wasn't myself."

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