Chapter 25- More Worry

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"Hailey?" someone knocked on the door frame.

My green gaze darted from a sleeping Kick to where Merrick stood at the door. His brown gaze was gentle and full of understanding. I slowly released Kick's cold hand and sat up straight, biting my lip to hear what he had to say.

"Jason needs you and Logan in the training center."

"I won't leave him."

"I'm going to watch over him," Merrick stepped completely into the room his muscles flexing off the door. "I promise."

Slowly, I stood up. Merrick walked to the edge of the bed and looked to Kick in worry as I did so. I followed his gaze, slight guilt coming over me.

"I healed him."


"I know you don't trust me," I stepped towards Merrick, his gaze meeting mine. "I was the only one who could."

"I've always trusted you, Hailey," Merrick startled me with his words. "Through all of this, it's you that I think to keep trying. You are all of us."

I smiled and slowly wrapped my arms around his torso. "Thank you, Merrick."

Merrick returned the hug rather warmly and then quickly released me. "Go on now."

I threw a small smile back as I exited the room. My footsteps were light as I made my way down the hallway. I hated leaving Kick alone, but had to remind myself that there wasn't anyone out to get him. Ivana was gone, Alec was on our side, and even I had begun to change my ways.

It was only because of Keegan that I wasn't unleashing every Federation soldier left I'd trained. The dream had seemed so real, so frightening. My instinct told me it was a wake-up call; something was going to happen and we all had to be ready.

If nothing happened soon, I would leave the Ghosts. I'd take Illusion, start a new life and forget of my past. Perhaps I'd erase my memories of everything since I'd met the Ghosts- including who my real parents were- and inject myself with a little bit of Sephtis to rid myself of my powers. It was the only real way to never talk to them again and live a normal life.

I'd leave a note, better yet, tell them my plans. Tell them that I didn't want to know about them and that I wanted to stay away from them. I'd make Alec erase all memories of me while I did the same. Logan would break his bond with my powers and myself once I took them from him; he needed a normal life too. Merrick would die peacefully and like the soldier he always acted like. Kick and Hesh, they'd move on with life too. Maybe both of them would find a perfect woman to settle down with and raise children.

I couldn't imagine how amazing Kick and Hesh both would be as a father; even Logan. All of them would be loyal and protective, never letting anything happen to their family. That's what they needed. That's what they all needed: Logan, Hesh, Kick, Merrick. They needed normal lives; I'd drug this on for long enough.

"Hailey?" Hesh appeared in front of me, waving his hand.

I blinked my way out of my thoughts and smiled to the bright pine-green-eyed man. His smile was small in relation to mine as he still held worry over me being distant. I hoped he didn't think I was planning something against him; there was no way I was going to.

"Look who finally decided to show up," Jason was getting up from off of the ground.

Logan was standing above him, helping him up as he did so. His mysterious blue gaze met mine before he quickly looked away. I ignored the itching feeling of wanting to talk to him by turning my head towards Jason.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now