Chapter 20- A Loss A Change

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Kick's POV:

For Hailey. For Logan.

I kept my thoughts positive as I trudged up the hill towards the small group of buildings ahead. My body ached, but I knew the more I thought about it, it would weaken me. I had to stay strong.

Once I reached the edge of the buildings, I heard a zinging sound. My instinct told me to duck, so I did. The block of spikes swung past where my head had just been. I rolled away from the spikes coming up from the ground, then ran forwards.

Clapping made me stop with a deep pant. I looked forwards to where Ivana had appeared in the center of the main road of the buildings. My gaze narrowed.

"I'm surprised you've made it this far, Kick," her words were the thorns on a rose brush and I tried to ignore the danger of them.

"You underestimate me, then," I took a step forwards, smirking.

"It's going to be better if you don't move," Ivana moved her face to the left slightly, glancing to where Logan had appeared.

I clamped my teeth together to avoid letting my jaw drop to the sight of Logan. He looked the same as before, muscular and lean with thick blonde hair. The only things different were his eyes. They held something in them I couldn't quite place. One part of it was the way he watched me as if I was prey. What had she done to him?


"What are you doing here?" Ivana demanded.

"I've come to join you," I tried to sound honest and keep my heartbeat steady.

"Logan," Ivana glanced to the stalking man.

When Logan stepped forwards, I did too. I wouldn't let myself look fearful or weak, no matter how much I was.

"The Ghosts, they are weak," I stated. "I'm the type who wants to be strong all the time and you are the strong side."

"Kick," Ivana was in front of me suddenly and I flinched just slightly. "There aren't sides, sweetheart. There is a family and the threat to that family. And since you aren't part of the family," Ivana traced my shoulder with her finger carefully.

"Hailey sees me as a brother," I argued, moving away from her seductive finger. "She's part of your family, so I should be too."

"Sorry, sweetheart," Ivana smiled a flashy white smile and backed away. "Things just don't work the way you want them to."

Logan was suddenly holding me by my head, tension on my neck as he moved to snap it like a toothpick. I let out a struggling sigh and wiggled. I could sense Logan's hesitation.

"I know information," I called out to Ivana. "I know things that Alec has told me."

Ivana only slowed a little.

"I know where Hailey is," I tried again.

Logan's grip loosened on me and Ivana stopped, turning. "You don't think I know where she is?"

"You stopped, so no," I challenged.

Ivana glanced to Logan, who released me and pushed me towards her. I stumbled, but straightened by the time I reached Ivana.

"Where is she?" Ivana demanded.

"You think I'm just going to tell you?" I taunted. "No, no, I need payment."

"What kind of payment?" Ivana snapped.

"I've always thought you were so....beautiful," I deepened my voice as I lowered it.

Ivana caught on very quickly. She ran her hands up my chest and I tried not to shudder in disgust. The only person I could ever think of touching like this was Hailey and even then it was still uncomfortable.

"Your perfect lips," I breathed and Ivana smirked, leaning closer.

Suddenly I surprised her with a smash of my lips against hers. I shoved her up against the wall of a building nearby, my lips moving tenderly against hers. Ivana's legs wrapped around me and I leaned down to rub her leg up against me even more, my fingers stroking my own.

Logan had turned away, disgusted. His lips were flat and eyes were narrowed. Part of me felt bad for what he was about to experience. Ignoring him, I ran my hand up Ivana's front, pausing at her heart.

I suddenly felt Ivana's entire body shake.

Pushing her against the wall more and pulling myself away from her, I backed up. I wiped my mouth and watched as Ivana gasped for air, falling down the wall. My gaze narrowed in triumph.

"What have you done?" Ivana choked out.

"Ended a war that doesn't need to happen," I spat and looked to Logan, who was in shock with clenched fists. 

"You j-just started o-one," Ivana gurgled up blood.

And just like that, Ivana fell limp, the Sephtis knife just starting to take it's toll on her heart. I backed away and walked to Logan. His gaze shifted to mine, no longer hungry, but fearful. He backed up just slightly.

"Hailey, s-she's going to kill you."

"Not if you come with me," I put a hand on his shoulder.

Logan glanced from me to Ivana and back again. He nodded and blinked, sighing deeply. "Okay."

A small smile formed on my lips.


Hailey's POV:

"I would appreciate it if you didn't drink that straight out of the carton." Jason spoke from sitting at the table reading a newspaper and eating dinner.

I pulled the milk away from my lips and gently set it in the fridge. "Sorry, I was just really thirsty."

"Doesn't matter," Jason grumbled, annoyed. "How's the practice going?"

"Better," I answered. "I still have trouble with generating water from the sky."

"You'll get it. I know you can."

Turning to face Jason, I continued to smile. I picked up my plate from the counter to go sit at the table. That's when it happened.

A hard hit like iron weights to my stomach made me stumble back to the floor. Jason stood up from his chair. I blinked and opened my mouth in shock.

"Are you okay?" Jason asked.

"Y-Yeah," I moved to get up.

Another hard hit to my core made me fall back again. I wiggled violently and covered my ears. Jason walked towards me, calling out my name. I couldn't hear him over the loud ringing in my  ears and dizziness conquering my head.

"Hailey! Hailey!" Jason tried to grab my shoulders. "Calm down!"

"No!" I screamed. "Stop!"

My body continued to thrust violently on the floor while I let out screams of scorching pain.  Jason continued to try to calm me too. I felt like I was on fire and whenever I closed my eyes, I saw glimpses of Ivana with two men, one Logan, and a white light.

"No!" I shouted.

"Hailey!" Jason cried out and tried to help me.

Before I knew it, my entire world went black with Jason still calling my name.

Hope (Based on Call of Duty Ghosts) (Final Book of the Faith Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now