Echoing in the Distance

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All Sara ever heard was voices. Voices that told her ways, ways to use her powers and skills for evil.

Her power; cutting, hurting people. Cracking people's walls and shields, breaking them down and then breaking their hearts.

Her skills; the ability to make anyone love her including the hardest and coldest of beings and living creatures.

In a way, she was a real life siren. A poisonous specimen of perfection that loved to be loved and hated to be hated. But the problem?

She just couldn't love, she had never found love and she doubted that she ever would.


What if one day, she meets someone, someone who could just bring her back from her own personal world. A world where she ruled all. A dangerously venomous world which lulled unsuspecting new comers in like magnet.

But will this new voice be loud enough to overpower the other echoes in the distance? Or will Sara give in? And lose all hope.

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