I Fight Alone

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Her footsteps quickened as she neared the dead end, then, a sudden loud gasp. She stopped short at the nearly 20 foot wall. All along the wall, vines creeped out and in little cracks in the cement.

In some areas, vulgar graffiti vandalized the sacred ground. Smirking evilly, she knew that those who had come down here to destroy the Augurium Terram, could not possibly have survived very long.

She pressed her palm flat against the wall, calling out.

"Sorores, quia venit hora ut resurgat. Excita! Et tollite inde vera forma."

Snake-like hissing could be heard before the lights flickered.

And then her smile widened.


Translation (May be incorrect)

Augurium Terram - Enchantment Ground

Sorores, quia venit hora ut resurgat. Excita! Et tollite inde vera forma. - My sisters, the time has come for us to rise again. Awaken! And take your true form.

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