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Her hands dripped blood, her knee was obviously fractured and she was injured in more places than one could count. 

She gripped on tighter to the steering wheel and pressed harder on the gas pedal, she gritted her teeth through the pain and finally released a heavy sigh when she reached the crappy, run-down motel. 

Stepping out of the car, she grunted in pain and growled when she accidentally put too much weight on her fractured knee. Shuffling and limping at the same time, she awkwardly made her way to her room, which was thankfully on the first floor.

When she got into her room, she bolted the door shut and with much difficulty, set the coffee table against it. She hobbled to the bathroom and stripped down to nothing, stepping under the steaming shower, she let a few groans of pleasure and shouts of pain. 

Washing off the blood, dirt and most importantly, memories of what had happened. She was no longer part of her family. She was now a rogue, belonging to no family, and to no pack.

She stepped out of the shower and dried off, removing the smeared mascara and smudged lipstick. She ripped off her identification tag and threw it onto the floor, with one last glance at it, she kicked it under the bed and threw her bag of belongings under the table. 

Kneeling before the open window, naked and unafraid, she prepared herself for the events that were about to unfold.

The huntress was soon to become the hunted.   

You guys can interpret this however you like! The scene just happened to pop into my head for a brief few seconds so I decided to put it here. Enjoy! :)

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