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hey, guys! so my teacher did this writing assignment to warm up our literacy skills and I quite liked how it turned out so imma put it up here for fun. 

Taking a final look in her gold compact mirror, the brunette smiled brightly and kissed her teeth before snapping the mirror shut and stuffing it in her suede satchel. She flipped her hair over her shoulder before pushing open the glass door and strutting out onto the street. 

She smiled brightly at passing strangers and kept checking her reflection in every single shop window she passed. 

"Well don't I look good." She preened in a particular window before she jumped and turned around at the sound of a familiar voice. 

"Maybe, but I look even better." A brown haired boy leant against a fire hydrant, a cocky smirk plastered on his face. 

"Jason!" She squealed before jumping into the arms of her younger brother. 

"I didn't know you were in town." She said, mildly irritated as she had wanted to be the one to welcome him home. 

"Well I couldn't very well miss your birthday, could I? Hmmm, Jessie?" Jason crooned, playfully tapping her nose. 

"Of course not." Jessie grinned. 

"Come on, mum is waiting for us down the street," Jason said, shoving his hands in his black jean pockets, turning up his nose and brushing past strangers rudely. 

Jessie shook her head at his lack of manners before turning around to check her reflection once more. In her peripheral vision, she spotted a familiar face. 

Walter Johnson from school was talking to a scraggly looking old woman, the lady looked unclean and homeless. After speaking, Walter took off his clean converse and helped put them on the old lady. 

Jessie rolled her eyes thinking it was quite stupid of him to give perfectly good converse to a stranger. However, she was even more shocked when he took out a fifty dollar note and placed it in the hands of the woman. 

After the woman had walked away, Jessie strode up to Walter and said, "That was ridiculous you know. Converse aren't cheap." 

"I know, but she had no shoes and said that she was starving." Walter smiled, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. 

Jessie sighed and waved him off, strutting away to find her brother. But not before glancing at her reflection once more. 

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