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She was cold, cunning and unfeeling.

She gave no mercy, she spared no life.

She was a mystery.

One that he had decided to unravel.

But this mystery might hold more than just personal secrets, but secrets that could change the entirety of the Vital World.

Would he be willing to risk it all?


Slinking past the herds and herds of Deer, Malyyna stayed so silent that even a Lion's ears wouldn't be able to pick up. The only one who knew her too well was her right-hand-man, Joaquin.

"Lyyna! Come! Join the celebrations!" Joaquin called boisterously, beckoning the slim woman out of the shadows.

Smooth olive skin, hard almond shaped-eyes framed by sharply angled brows. Her physique stayed true to her Vitality. The last of her kind, a Fox. Cunning, ambitious and strong. Independent too, which was why she shook her head silently and retreated back into the shadows, morphing.

In her place stood a slim, elegant and proud looking snow-white fox. Pure white fur with lightly greyed whiskers. Beige fur contoured her slim snout and her eyes narrowed, glowing a luminous bright blue.

Gekkering lightly, Malyyna crouched lower to the ground and yipped so softly, only the man heard it. Then she pounced.

A loud scream was heard, followed by shrieks of pain. Then a thump on the ground proved the trespasser dead. Alarmed, Joaquin stood up quickly, dashing towards the noise.

"Lyyna? Are you alright?" Joaquin asked cautiously, eyeing the crimson fox.

The once ivory fox was now covered in fresh blood, her eyes glinting maniacally. Morphing, Malyyna looked up in her usual green human eyes and grinned, showing off bloody teeth now blunt and human.

"He tasted wonderful."

Hullo! It is fantasy and in an alternate universe, so don't worry if you're confused. You can make up your own facts. :)

Gekkering and yipping are noises that a fox makes, you can Google them to get a feel if you'd like.

Vitality - True metamorphosis form, an animal spirit

Morph - To shift into one's Vitality

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