Innocence | Teen Wolf

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Willow Oak Walters grew up in Beacon Hills with a sunny smile and a positive attitude. None of that changed, not when she lost her mother to crazed 'animal' attack. Not when she lost her father to a hit and run. Not even when she was almost killed by a beast during her sophomore year. One that she could only describe as monstrous.

She kept her smile and giggles. Her florals and pastels. Everything about her screamed innocence.

Until the day she decided to befriend the strange and tight-knit little group, the group that was led by Scott McCall.

I wrote a prologue too, so enjoy!

She sat there, all alone at the empty table, as her gaze rested on one of the most infamous 'cliques' in Beacon Hills. Scott McCall, Stiles Stilinski, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura and Malia Tate. The rumours that circulated, the numerous deaths. Every single one of them linked back to the group of them one way or another.

Of course, there were once more members. Like Isaac Lahey and Allison Argent, she heard that even the Steiner twins were apart of the little group until Allison and Aiden passed away tragically.

Her eyes never left the group as she bit into her apple, but her gaze wasn't hostile. It was curious. Do you recall the phrase 'curiosity killed the cat'?

Well, Willow was just about to test her luck.

She got up with her tray and slung her pink backpack over her shoulders. Her lilac kitten heels clicked on the floor as she made her way over to their table, her white tutu sashaying and the lace on her ruffled pink blouse shook with every step she took.

As she neared the table, her heart pounded in her ears and sweat threatened to drip down her temple. Willow knew that every single one of them was staring at her. The curious gazes of Scott and Kira, the suspicion on Stiles and Malia's faces and the guarded expression on Lydia's. She fixed one of her best and most pearly smiles on and greeted the group.

"Hi! I'm Willow Walters, I have AP Biology with you?" Willow offered, still smiling though the intensity of her smile lessened.

"And?" Malia said bluntly. not bothering to hide her irritation.

Willow's smile dropped entirely and she made a move to walk away. The hurt stung her a little but she knew that Malia had just returned after living in the woods for a number of years, so human interaction was foreign.

Just as she took her first step, a voice stopped her.


She spun around so quickly she almost gave herself whiplash. It was Kira who called her back, a hesitant smile on her face.

"What is it?"Scott offered warmly, smiling welcomingly.

"Well, uh, you see... I heard about what happened and I just wanted to come over to say I'm sorry. I was never really close to Allison but she was kind and always friendly. Aiden was also really sweet. And.. Ummm... Uh..." Willow hesitated, biting her lip and avoiding eye contact.

She cursed herself mentally for thinking of this stupid idea but spewed it out anyway.

"CanIsitwithyouguys?" Willow blubbered out, her cheeks a flaming red.

While the rest looked confused, Lydia smiled warmly and said, "Sure, have a seat."

Willow grinned brightly and sat down in-between Lydia and Malia, smiling happily at everyone at the table. Picking up her apple and finishing it off.

While the rest continued eating, Stiles stared at her with confusion and suspicion written all over his face.

Willow could feel the intensity of Stiles' gaze burn a whole into the side of her head but she continued yabbering away to Lydia anyway.


After lunch, Willow skipped away to her Literature class while the rest stood in the hallway, profoundly dumbfounded.

"What the hell was that?" Malia questioned intrigued yet confused.

"She wanted to sit with us, I say why not. Doesn't mean she's part of the pack, just means she's a friend." Lydia shrugged nonchalantly.

"Lydia! You can't just go around letting people sit with us. You know what we discuss during lunch! We can't very well do that with her there, can we?" Stiles said worriedly.

"She sits alone at lunch every single day. She has since freshman year. She is sweet, nice and harmless. Do you remember what happened the last time we ignored a student who sat on their own? Boyd? Isaac? Erica? They all got hurt. I'm not letting that happen again." Lydia spoke with finality in her tone, walking away defiantly.

The rest stared after the sashaying strawberry blonde, a mixture of confusion and frustration written on their faces.

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