Mathews Mystery

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Quinn Mathews was a distant figure that everyone found a mystery. 

Who was she?

Where did she come from?

What was her story?

She let no one in, so rumours arose. Some said that she was part of the Witness Protection Program. Others said she was an alien. Some said she was a product of incest, which was why she was born mute. 

Then as quickly as the rumours came, they went. She stayed in school till Junior year, which meant that she was definitely no Alien or part of the Witness Protection Program. She answered perfectly when called on, and she always greeted teachers fine. 

But she never ate lunch, and no one knew where she was during the entire hour. After school, she was driven home in a black Bentley with tinted windows. No one knew her story.

Every group project was done in school or at someone else's house. Any suggestion to do it at Quinn's house, was quickly shot down by excuses. She never spoke unless absolutely necessary and even then, it was barely audible. 

Some students soon realised that Quinn spoke with an accent. More specifically, a British accent. Some just assumed she moved here from London. 

Then, the hype turned boring and no one cared as much anymore. 

Until Damien Peters attempted to unravel the Quinn Mathews mystery, and all hell broke loose. 

Secrets were spilled, rumours rose just as quickly as before, tears were shed, blood was spilt. But as the dust cleared, what was left of it all? 

Just hopefully, a little love. 

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