Never, Forget Me

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"I love you so much it hurts, but it's just better for you to forget me."


Never Mindes is a bubbly, 18-year-old who's interning in a hospital as a nurse. She loves making people smile, giving advice and music.

The only problem?

She's got hidden secrets, secrets that are slowly eating her up. From inside out. But she continues to put on a facade, one that doesn't let anyone know about her problems, her nightmares and her thoughts.

Will Perrion is a 20-year-old billionaire, who's recently been diagnosed with leukaemia. He's lost all hope and zest for life until Never comes skipping into his chemotherapy room, and everything is changed forever.

With Never's help, Will learns to find the good in life and goes on many adventures he'd never dared to go on before. Together, they travel to places as nurse and patient. But slowly, falling in love.

And at the same time? Will is helping Never let go of her past. Not fix her, no; because there was no need for her to be fixed in the first place. But rather, a guiding light, to lead her out of the shadow of her past.

However, when Will's chemotherapy fails? What will become of them?

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