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You know the typical cliché about people building up walls and blocking people out?

What if it was so much worse?

What if, instead of walls, it was fences that one built up?

It allowed everyone to see through you, but never actually get to you. It was even more painful then, for the people who tried and failed, and for you. Because you watched with hope, as person after person came and tried to get through the fence, and as each one failed, your hope slowly depleated.

When there is barely any hope left in you, a girl comes along. One filled with wonder and love and joy in her heart. So much so that you start pushing against the fence yourself. 

But when you finally break through the fence, will she still be there waiting for you? Or will she have given up and left, just like so many others?

Yes, I have used a girl as a romantic interest this time. *Sarcastic gasp*

You will notice that I used "you" throughout this, not metioning or hinting to the main character's gender or sexuality once. Because that is up to you.

I am highly supportive of the LGBTQAI+ community, but you could be a heteorosexual male reading this and this could be normal for you. 

Or you could be a heteorosexual female and this may be foreign for you.

It doesn't matter.

All that matters is that writing is an art and should not be confined to the ways that my society dictates it to be, it should be free and inspiring and entertaining. 

Enjoy :)

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