Chapter 1

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Every day since their wedding, Cassandra has been cooking meals for her and her husband, along with doing all the chores in their home. 

It's not as easy as it seems, or at least, as it may seem to Alexander.

From what Cassandra has figured out in this past week of their arranged marriage, Alexander was somewhat an arrogant man who never found any pleasure at all in acknowledging efforts made by others.

This probably wouldn't have applied to the soldiers though - this man might as well have considered the army as his wife than he would have considered her as one.

It hurt every time she thought of that.

Very much.

What confused her even more was how a man like him even agreed to the marriage. Her mother-in-law once told her that she and Alexander's father were worried that he was getting old and was still unmarried - he was twenty four, but oh well. Pressure from relatives also piled up and that eventually lead to forcing Alexander to marry Cassandra, which was what her father-in-law told her.

Cassandra, as well, got letters from her annoyed friends and relatives, convincing her to get married. Although she didn't mind the idea of it, she felt to sad to think of leaving her family. Eventually, though, she agreed, realizing that she was getting old as well and she still had two sisters to take care of her parents. 

As a kind wife, Cassandra always waited for her husband to eat any meal – breakfast, dinner, or even some tea.

Whenever they ate, they were never together for long. Alexander was a very fast eater, giving her less time to be with him. He never waited for her to finish eating.

He always just left her alone.

With no hesitation.

It wasn't easy at all to be a dutiful wife.

She always wondered what was it that went on in his mind, not giving him the time to speak a word with her.

Did she look odd to him?

Did he think that she was ignorant?

Did he hate her cooking?

No it couldn't have been that, she was always told that she was an amazing cook!

Then what was it that avoided him from speaking to her?

 She wasn't just any other woman, she was his wife for heaven's sake!

One evening, Cassandra was cleaning the kitchen and Alexander walked in.

They were in the same room.

Merely a few yards away from each other – which could have been a good thing, or a bad thing.

"Now Cassandra! Go! Speak to him!" she said to herself, but was a little worried about where things would end up afterwards.

But this was a chance she couldn't afford to miss.

This was a conversation that she was absolutely not going to let him avoid.

It's already been an entire week and it was time, Cassandra decided, that a husband and wife have their first dialogue.

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