Chapter 3

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Late one Friday evening, Cassandra was making some soup for her and her husband and as usual, she heard him murmuring things to himself that she never knew and was too scared to ask about, after what happened a few nights before.

She tasted the hot soup, silently praising herself for her good work when suddenly she heard, "Cassandra." She froze for a moment, debating on whether or not her husband finally called to her – that too by her name.

"Cassandra?" he asked again, in just a slightly angered tone.

She slowly turned to him and said, "Yes?" a bit hopeful about where this conversation would take them.

"As you would probably know, I will be fighting in the Civil War," he said, with some pride in his voice.

How could she have known if he never cared to speak to her before?

Yet she still replied, "Yes, I know of that."

"I don't quite think it'll be safe for you to be here alone, and only God knows how long this war will last – and if I'll make it alive or not."

Alexander was in thought for a while and winced before he continued, "Therefore, I think it's best that you go and live with my parents until the war is over."

Why didn't he tell her to live with her parents? Oh well, his parents live much closer by...and it would be a nice way to get to know more about her husband's family.

Did he care for her?

"No Cassie, he's just doing the duty expected out of a husband," she said to herself.

Yet she was also still in shock that her husband finally cared to address her by her name.

After staring at her husband for a long while, she nodded.

She also asked, "Will it be a burden for your parents to have me stay with them for that long?"

After chuckling quietly to himself at the innocence he noticed in her tone, Alexander assured her firmly, "No Cassandra, it won't. In fact, they'd love to have you in their home."

She gave him a grateful smile and he returned it – this is in fact the first time she's seen a smile come across his handsome face.

Yes, handsome – she just couldn't deny it.

But what's got into him?

Has someone given him some lesson within these past few days?

A very, very strong lesson?

Is this person in front of her even her husband?

Although Cassandra was truly delighted at the change in his attitude towards her, she still had a feeling deep inside her that something or someone was behind this change...this too good of a change.

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