Chapter 14

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"March 10th, March 10th, March 10th..." was all that was running in Cassandra's head.

"I've got to start packing! I can break the news to the others later," she said as she ran to her room. Although she was normally a very organized person, this time she just threw in her necessities in a small luggage.

As she ran out of the room and to the living room with her necessities, Gabriella caught her.

"My dear, where are you off to?"

"I'm so sorry, but I just got the news. The date of the training has been changed to March 10th, which is in two days!"

"Well then why are you packing? It's just a training, right?" Jenny asked as she came into the living room.

"Well you see...after the training, we will all be taken in a vehicle directly to Charleston...and I don't know when I'll come back."

Gabriella and Jenny stared back in shock.

"We only have two more days to be with you?" Jenny cried.

"Oh Jenny, who said I'll never come back? I may even come before these battles come to an end...but that's probably not the case, as of now," Cassandra replied sadly.


The target practice took nearly all day, but practice makes perfect.

All the soldiers returned to their tents for rest.

Before Alexander went to his tent, Captain Joseph approached him.

"My son," he put a firm hand on Alexanders shoulder, "you are one of the fewest soldiers that make me proud. You are so dedicated and keen...I really wish every soldier was like you, you know."

"Thank you Captain, that really means a lot to me," Alexander gratefully replied.

"That's good, but today I noticed that you've been missing more shots than usual...what happened Alexander? Is something wrong? You can tell me anything, my boy!"

"Well...I guess there is something that's been keeping me distracted."

"What is it then?"

"I uh...well...I kinda..."

"Oh come one just spill it Alex!"

"I miss my wife, so much. I think about her all the time, especially when I sleep. I dream of coming back home and seeing the bliss in her face. Her happiness had started to become so important to me."

Alexander himself was a bit shocked at what spilled out of his own mouth.

"Oh my boy, I can see what you mean. Every soldier goes through this, and so did I. When I was a young soldier, every night I'd be yearning to see my wife and children. A few years ago, actually, my wife passed away. "

"Oh Captain, I'm so sorry," Alexander said with much sympathy.

"Don't be, my boy. In fact, this incident was what made me become a stronger soldier, and eventually a Captain. She was my motivation. Since then I've been fighting for my country, as well as her. I wanted her to be proud of me."

"I'm sure she is Captain," Alexander said proudly, "you are one of the bravest human beings I've ever known. We're all proud to have you as our Captain."


Two days later...

There came the vehicle.

Once she steps in, the date of her return becomes unknown. Cassandra's eyes were filled with tears as she embraced her mother in-law and father in-law.

Where was Jenny?

"We will be running late, make it quick!" called out the driver. In the vehicle, there were about twenty women. She could tell because there was no shed or cover above the was open, which was somewhat nice because it was a very warm day.

"Say goodbye to Jenny for me!" cried Cassandra as she stepped into the vehicle.

She didn't want leave without saying goodbye to Jenny, but she had no other choice. The thought made her cry more.

"WAIT!!!" yelled Jenny as she came out of the house, with a luggage.

"Jenny?" Cassandra asked perplexed, "Where were you? And why do you have a luggage?"

"Cassandra, I'm coming with you."

In case if you were wondering, I made a list of the characters with their ages :D

Alexander: 24

Cassandra: 20

Jenny: 18

Henry: 22

George: 24

Fernando: 22

Captain: 50

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