Chapter 32

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April 9th, 1865

Appomattox , Virginia

The battle of Appomattox Court House had just ended in Union victory. All that was left was to get General Lee and his army to surrender. General Grant was to head for the Appomattox Court House to meet with General Lee.

"My fellow soldiers," General Grant addressed the Union army, "We've finally made it this far into this Civil War and at this point, we shall only wait to see the Lord's next move. 

A soldier asked the general worriedly, "How likely is it, sir, that General Lee will agree to surrender?"

General Grant sighed, "Seeing my terms of the treaty, he should be somewhat willing. Hopefully he considers it generous. Let's hope that this doesn't end in violence, it's really the most you folks can do for now. I'll do my best to use my ways to convince him. If the Lord doesn't play any more games with us, then this war will finally end for good. If that's not the case, then we'll probably have to push ourselves for a few more years." 

Jenny, who had eavesdropped the general and the soldiers returned to the army nurse camp and informed the nurses. 

"Few more years?" Cassandra repeated in disbelief. 

"You heard that right," Jenny replied sadly, "...but that is if  General Lee doesn't agree to surrender. Frankly, I'm almost certain he'll agree! There's a good chance we'll be leaving home very soon, you know!" 

"Oh my!" Meredith jumped in excitement, "I really can't wait to see mama and papa...after four years!" 

"Yes!" Lilly nodded being just as excited as her sister, "We might as well start packing!" 

"No," Cassandra said seriously, "we shouldn't hope too much yet...imagine if we were all ready to go home with everything packed, and General Grant comes back telling us that the soldiers will have to start preparing for their next battle! Oh how terrible it would be," Cassandra looked away. She always hated the feeling of hoping too much when the fate of a situation was still uncertain. 

She then headed over to the army nurse tent and walked over to the small shrine that was kept there in a corner. There was a statue of Jesus and around it were many small adornments, including crosses. 

"Oh Lord, please don't you play any more games with us," Cassandra pleaded quietly as she knelt down, "It's  been long enough...we've been kept apart from our families for long enough. Oh how long it's been since I saw the smiles of my mother and father...not just for me, but for every single individual here, my Lord. It's time that we see out beloveds...please don't keep us waiting even longer. We all need and want to go home...I...I really want to see my mama and papa again," she closed her eyes as a single tear slid its way down her cheek.


"I'll be right back," Jenny mumbled to Meredith who was fixing up a stitch on a soldier injured from the Appomattox battle.

She skipped along to a lake and stood as she enjoyed the light spring breeze. As soon as she realized she had company she piped up, "Well hello, Fernando!" 

"Jenny," he nodded back to her. 

"So, you folks really don't have much to do, I guess, as of now...?" Jenny asked, "We just wait...for him to come back?"

"Yes, pretty much," Fernando agrees, "Wait, how do you know General Grant left for the court house?"

"Every now and then, I uh, come and check and see what all you soldiers are fraternizing about," she grinned in response. She then squatted down to pick up a rock and threw it into the lake, making it skip three times.

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