Chapter 22

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One year later...

June 20, 1862

"GATHER UP SOLDIERS!" Captain Joseph called for their attention.

"I have some good news and someone special I'd like to introduce to you all."

All the heads of the soldiers turned towards the man next to Captain Joseph. He was dressed in a fine blue coat and some badges pinned on the side of it.

"This," Captain Joseph turned towards the man, "is General McClellan!"

Recognition from hearing the name passed through the soldiers.

"Yes," Captain Joseph began, "he was the brave engineer that fought in the Mexican-American War."

Respectfully, all the soldiers saluted to the General and he smiled down at them.

"Dear friends," General McClellan started, "this war isn't just war between two parts of a divided nation, but it is also the fight for the abolishment of the cruel act of slavery! When you fight for something, there is always someone you are fighting for. Think, who are you fighting for in these battles?"

This got all the soldiers thinking.

"We are fighting for are fellow African Americans! We are here to bring them their freedom - their freedom from being treated like animals!" The general yelled, raising his fist in the air.

"This brings me to my plan that I wanted to discuss with you all. I'll be sending all of you to Yorktown, the peninsula between the York and James River - east of Richmond. We will be launching our next attack there. I will be dividing you all into three groups, and these three generals here to Captain Joseph's left will be leading each group."

Within a couple of hours, the soldiers were divided into their respective groups and were heading towards Yorktown, the army nurses following them there.

Once reaching Yorktown, the solders set up their tents as did the army nurses. Alexander brought together about fifty soldiers and discussed tactics for the battle coming in a few days.

Soon, laughter could be heard from the soldiers. Laughter after laughter.

What was going on?

Curiosity got the best of Cassandra as she couldn't help but eavesdrop on their conversation. Meredith, Jenny, and Lily decided to follow her.

To get a good view of them and hear more clearly what the soldiers were giggling about, the girls' only option was to hide in a tent.

"What are they even laugh about? What is there to laugh about at a time like this?" Lily asked curiously.

Still as much as they tried, they couldn't hear their words clearly enough.

"Well," Cassandra began, "this could be God's way of telling us to not eavesdrop."

When they looked back outside, most of the soldiers were gone.

"Wait? What? Where did they go?" Meredith panicked.

"They're probably returning to their tents," Jenny put in.

"Then we should probably get out of here!" Lily exclaimed but in a whisper.

As they turned around to head back to the army nurses' tent they froze.

The owners of the tent happened to be standing right before them - Alexander, George, Henry, and Fernando.


"What were you ladies doing here?" Alexander snapped, but with amusement.

"Was this your attempt to eavesdrop on us?" George asked raising an eyebrow.

Henry and Fernando couldn't help but hide in a grin.

As much as she tried, Cassandra couldn't come up with any fake reason.

Jenny made an attempt, "Alex, I just wanted to see if you had everything you needed! Mother and father kept on reminding me to check on you every now and then!"

Alexander looked very skeptical.

Fernando butted in, "Jenny when did you ever bother to make sure Alexander was alright?"

This got the men to chuckle and Jenny growled.

Not wanting to spend another moment in the men's tent, the four ladies ran out of there with embarrassment.

"Cassandra," Alexander called out to her.

She turned back, her face still a little red from the previous incident.

"I'm sure that my parents didn't only give Jenny the job to check on me every now and then."

With that he winked and Cassandra's eyes widened.

"Good night Cassandra," he smiled,

"Good night Alexander," she replied looking down.

He walked back into his tent and Cassandra ran back to hers.

"Check on him?" she mumbled to herself as she was getting ready to sleep, "Three other men sitting there in that small little tent while I check on him? No thank you!"

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